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Thread: blast and cruise

  1. #1

    blast and cruise

    I've ran cycles and always went with a PCT and give it enough time before cycling again. Despite proper PCT, I've always lost mass and got depressed and shit. Honestly I'd just like to blast and cruise now and basically stay on test forever.

    Can somebody help me out on this idea a little? What are the negatives for example?

    I'm 22 right now and do plan on having kids somewhere around the age of 30-40. I've heard that HCG/HGM can bring back fertility and solve this issue though.. When I'm like 40 I plan on pinning test till my death also. I wanna feel young & keep my libido lol

  2. #2
    Many bodybuilders have kids on cycle hcg brings back sperm quality no harm in long term trt it’s actually more healthy as you age testosterone decreases so to have it stable is healthier than it being low more energy mood sexdrive steady body weight.

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