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Thread: Deca 300 & stealth Deca reviews?

  1. #1

    Deca 300 & stealth Deca reviews?

    I've used it a lot up to 12cc a week just don't feel like I'm using 3600 mg I'm eating 400g protein a day and 550 carbs from potatoes and orange juice.

    Anyone else used the deca and have some personal reviews.

    And I don't mean to cause a shitstorm I've been using this stuff for a while.

  2. #2
    MTS STAFF - formally MR BIG BIGDADDY's Avatar
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    who the hell takes 3.6 grams of deca per week? that's not a cycle and it's counter productive.

  3. #3
    I think he refers to the latest ALAB results...

  4. #4
    MTS STAFF - formally MR BIG BIGDADDY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peet8000 View Post
    I think he refers to the latest ALAB results...
    If he is then he's barking up the wrong tree here... the stealth stuff doesn't even land in the UK and so has nothing to do with that issue from the wholesaler partner there. The stealth stuff comes direct and has no middlemen in between.

    I've already addressed this matter about the deca.

    If you are taking 3.6grams of anything and eating that much... and not feeling anything... then I suggest the issue is elsewhere.

    He says 3600mg of deca PER WEEK... c'mon don't bullshit me on this one. 12ml of DECA per week... where's the test? this isn't even responsible usage and just pure dumb.

    I'm closing this crap here... 12ml of DECA per week is just stupid and not even effective - even if you took organon.

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