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Thread: restarting completely (2)

  1. #41
    Preying for no more set backs.
    Inb4 bike gets stolen (again)
    Last edited by Powertard; 07-21-2016 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #42
    Getting back on it today.

    Rehydration sachets and lots of water.

    Oats quark Greek yogurt for breakfast with cinnamon.

    If it had gone right then I'd be there right now.
    Just so many obstacles.

  3. #43
    Went for a good walk today

    Was pleasent.

  4. #44
    Had an unexpected turn of bitter sweet luck.

    Stumbled on my bike on a pothole and somehow it put my SI joint and seemingly l4-l5.

    Really enjoying being able to walk properly atm and stretching it out so hopefully it stays in place.

    I just hope I can make this happen now, stuff goes really well and positive for like 2-3 weeks then something comes and screws me up

  5. #45
    2 miles walking today plus some hiit on my bike

    Aiming for 2000 kcal today easing myself back onto cut

  6. #46
    Just came to the shocking reality of what I have Done to my body

    Walking around feeling stuff jiggle.

    I sort of had a mini panic attack Lol.

    Horrible awrful feeling.

  7. #47

    Still having issues.

    Think this might be it

    Lost about 15 lbs of lean tissue because of not being able to do anything and not being able to digest food for nearing a month.

  8. #48
    Heh. Looks like I've been screwed over by some fibre.

    Of all things that would damage my progress the worst...fibre.

    A fibre supplement completely buggered me up.

  9. #49
    This was going SO well.

    SO well. Why did this happen?

  10. #50
    Another xray

    Bezoar not clear....Just seems to have moved.

    Surgery was mentioned.

    Well it's in the universe's hands now

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