I recently read a post that bothered me because the person was blasting a MTS product and had used it a whole week . WTF ? I could not help myself to tell him what a tool bag he is. I have used so many MTS products and my friends. I have the orders to prove l have used or my friends have used at least 80℅ of MTS product and not ONE COMPLAINT! I have blood work from MTS test e and biosciences test e and they both give 1,500+ off 1ml of either . I have blood to show certain sides effects from Decca and EQ and orals . The biggest thing is a l have guts who have lowered their dosage with MTS compared to old gear they ran and they say better results , feel better and look better in general. So if you judge their stuff after 1 week you are a idiot and do not need to use gear period . Sorry for the long rant and blasting another board member but l get so sick of people posting stupid shit . So I will keep getting my gear from MTS and continue to get phenomenal results