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Thread: MTS-only Cycle

  1. #11
    Update for this week:

    Spent Tuesday and Wednesday celebrating Valentine's Day and my birthday respectively so I went off the diet for a bit. Didn't really stuff my face and overeat but I didn't exactly make a conscious effort to hit my protein count either. Woke up on Thursday morning weighing 98.8kg, so there's that bit of bloat there. Went back on track and this morning (Saturday) I weighed in at 97.2. Still noticeably watery though but I'm not really too concerned with that.

    Performance in the gym wise, I can feel the anadrol kicking in hard. I've been getting these really painful forearm pumps that make me stop mid-set which can get quite annoying. But I like how full and pumped I look even hours after I've left the gym (I train in the morning after breakfast). Strength has gone up, seeing how I've been pushing the same weight for more reps. But I'm thinking of going back to my old Push/Legs/Pull routine (did this for 3 years) instead because after 4 months of being back on a body part split, I don't feel as good where there's this feeling of laziness creeping up.

  2. #12
    For fucks sake..... You are awesome maaan!

    What do you think of low test high anabolics cycles?

    Carbs really do nothing to you....


    Regarding the Tren sides people often doesn't add Masteron to Tren.... The DHTs will lower Tren sides.

    Try to run 150 TestE 400 TrenE 400 MastE or Just buy "lean gain" from MTS 1ml eod you will have something like no sides at all.

    Low test high Tren and dht usually works for everyone.... If you have to make tests use fast esters...

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxino View Post
    For fucks sake..... You are awesome maaan!

    What do you think of low test high anabolics cycles?

    Carbs really do nothing to you....


    Regarding the Tren sides people often doesn't add Masteron to Tren.... The DHTs will lower Tren sides.

    Try to run 150 TestE 400 TrenE 400 MastE or Just buy "lean gain" from MTS 1ml eod you will have something like no sides at all.

    Low test high Tren and dht usually works for everyone.... If you have to make tests use fast esters...
    Hey buddy, I've mainly been doing low test and high(er) anabolic blasts for my enhanced life. I tend to keep test below 500mg, usually around 150mg to 250mg while other compounds like Tren, Masteron and EQ are kept between 700mg to 1 gram. I've always felt that Test in the range of 750mg and above bloated my face very badly and gave me bad acne, and I loved the way I looked with low test high anabolics. It's only recently that I've started exploring Test at higher doses and surprisingly my "tolerance" has gotten better in a sense that running Test now at 800mg doesn't bloat me (as much) anymore and I still have my jawline visible. It's really how you react/respond as an individual I guess and even that changes with time.

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