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Thread: Parabolan

  1. #1


    Use it right now, 75mg eod. By far best tren I've ever had... tren look is unreal! Strength is skyhigh and most of the bad sides are gone. Always had prolactine problems on tren, but not with parabolan, mental sides are also gone!

    Since last week I also started with .5mg methyltren alongside and that's the craziest combo I've ever done when it comes to strength!

  2. #2
    I already noticed you've been quite enthousiastic about the MTS Parabolan in your log on dutch bodybuilding forum.

    You say you have less Tren sides. Do you run the Para in the same amount of mg as Tren?

  3. #3
    How long was kick in time? I am 75mg * 3 injections a week. I I'm 7 days now. I hope I can feel it in week 3

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by mr veins View Post
    How long was kick in time? I am 75mg * 3 injections a week. I I'm 7 days now. I hope I can feel it in week 3
    Did the cycle of 1ml e/3d work out wel?
    I want to try it for 8 weeks

  5. #5
    Mr big, what is the half life of parabolan?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mw3best View Post
    Mr big, what is the half life of parabolan?
    its comparable to Test Enanthate, so long ester, best injected 2x per week to keep blood levels stable

  7. #7
    Will this be back in stock soon, on time for holidays.
    Also i am aware of the Xmas2017 coupon code but am unsure of the exact incentive or coupon it is entitled to, can you please inform me on it. Thank you

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jv Research View Post
    Will this be back in stock soon, on time for holidays.
    Also i am aware of the Xmas2017 coupon code but am unsure of the exact incentive or coupon it is entitled to, can you please inform me on it. Thank you
    xmas coupon ended on 12th of december:!

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