As low as 50mg EOD to as high as 100mg ED

Cycles of 6-10 weeks at a time

Effects Observed:

On cycle night sweets, shorter fuse, training aggression, tren cough, great strength,lean gains, prolactin build up aka(leaking nipples)

Personal Opinion:
Good compound been using it off and on since 2008 and never had any problems as I would only use it for short cycles of 6-8 weeks @ 300mg/wk used both tren a and tren e but had more side on the tren e nights sweats/lower cardio. When I have used MT200 @ 1ml eod it appears that the added mast helps keep sides to a minimum.

In 2016 last year I used tren for about 16 weeks working up to 100mg ed and what a mistake no real side while on but on pct ran into limp dick leaking nipples and lost all gains and felt like shit for around 8 weeks after stopping. then took me about 3 months to put my hormones right again.

this is how I fixed myself

20 days of letro 2.5mg ed to lower e2 as prolactin feeds off e2

one week into letro to 100mcg of triptorelin to bring my balls back on line(this worked a treat my nuts blow up and my erections came back just after one shot) amazing stuff.

10 days into letro use and I added caber @ 500mcg 2x/wk and ran it for 4 weeks. This dried up my nipples so no more leaking and back to having normal sex.

after letro ran 30days of nov 20mg ed

Full recovery blood tests came back normal

Lesson learned

keep tren to no more than 300mg/wk
run no more then 8 weeks
always use caber with tren cycle
never use tren without test note I get more sides if test dose goes above 300mg

Reason I brought into blasting tren was an article I read regarding ******** and his views on tren I now disagree with it.