Quote Originally Posted by h0rsey View Post
Blast and Cruise would eventually make you infertile right? Unless you blasted and cruised for a long while (ie few years) then did a hard PCT with HCG, tamoxifen, clomid etc and stayed off until you had a kid? Or would the use of clomid, hcg during the blast and cruise be ok and reduce infertility?
Whether blast & cruise or cycle & PCT, when you're "on", your endocrine system is "off". There's no "reducing fertility" by using ancillaries while on the cycle because your testicles will still stay "off". You're either "on" or "off", where it's like a light switch. So just as you said in the first two sentences, if you want to have a kid you'll ideally have to come off completely and run a very strong PCT until your lady gets pregnant. But that said, there are many people, some I know personally whom have had kids while blasting so it really is a subjective issue here.