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Thread: Blast & Cruise vs PCT

  1. #1

    Blast & Cruise vs PCT

    I've been getting asked this question a lot by my clients lately so I thought I'd do up a public post about this frequently asked about topic with everyone. I'll try to keep explanations as generic and in layman terms as I can, so for those who want a more scientific/in-depth discussion or explanation feel free to chime in later and I will respond.


    Running a PCT post-cycle is what is traditionally the go-to way to end your steroid run. While the exact schematics of a PCT regime will differ from individual based on recovery rates and how harsh the prior cycle was, all PCT routines typically involve a short layoff before commencing a heavy blast of fertility drugs (e.g. Nolvadex, Clomid, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, etc) before going completely off any synthetic hormone products for a set period of time. I like comparing PCTs with on/off flicks on a light switch - when you're on your cycle your endocrine system shuts down for the duration of that cycle. Going on a PCT flicks the switch on, allowing you to start up your endocrine system again. Old-school approaches tend to set the time-off period to the same number of weeks as the cycle was run. This was said to give the body enough time to cleanse itself and recover from the harsh and health-damaging effects of prolonged steroid use. However, going cold turkey post-PCT itself also places the body under undue amounts of stress due to the fluctuating hormone markers when transitioning between a cycle and coming off. Remember that whenever you start a cycle by injecting hormones, your body is suddenly shot to supraphysiological levels within a short period of time. Coming off plunges these levels to complete zilch almost immediately after the ester wears off, where your body is then left struggling to return to natural levels on its own before another sharp rise caused by the start of the next cycle. In the long-term, with regards to bloodwork and general health markers, you'll see things like blood pressure, lipids, cholesterol and the like going crazy and never truly stabilizing. As such, the PCT method should only be used by people who want to come off either for good, or for an extended period of time. In the case of recreational athletes who want to run a single cycle or two for the summer, then come off and enjoy their gains, the PCT approach is the most logical for them as they have no intention of running steroids for long. In the case of athletes who see themselves living a bodybuilder's lifestyle, running multiple cycles through the year for many years consecutively, the blast and cruise approach may be more suitable for them.

    That being said, MTS carries a wide range of products that facilitate the PCT recovery period should one choose to go down this path.

    An all-in-one PCT tablet covers all your bases, allowing you to just take one product daily for all your PCT needs:

    For users who want more exact control over their PCT protocol, pharmaceutical grade products are also available on our website.


    Blast & Cruise

    For athletes who see themselves running hormones for prolonged periods of time, I recommend them taking the blast and cruise approach. This means substituting the PCT process and time off with a Testosterone Replacement Therapy dose of hormones, which tends to be within the 150mg to 250mg range while sometimes going higher for the truly huge athletes with insane amounts of muscle mass. In this situation, called a cruise, the athlete would come off all other compounds while keeping to just a long-estered Testosterone like Cypionate or Enanthate for their recovery period. Unlike the PCT method, there is no set or recommended time limit for how long to stay on a cruise. One would go by their bloodwork, where once health markers are good to go then they are given the green light to proceed with their next blast, in this case the main cycle. While the main benefit of this method lies in keeping blood hormone levels stable, other benefits include better mental health, where fluctuating estrogen and other hormonal levels trigger what is the synthetic equivalent of depression and anger outbursts. There is also next to no regression, wherein coming off completely after a PCT will see the athlete lose a substantial amount of muscle mass and spend the first half of the next cycle trying to regain what was lost, going on a cruise tends to see the athlete go flat and soft due to the lack of cosmetic compounds like Trenbolone and Winstrol, but whatever hard-earned muscle will still be there waiting for the next blast.

    Testosterone Enanthate:
    Testosterone Cypionate:

    For coaching and advice specifically tailored towards your individual needs, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]

  2. #2

    Usefull for cruising(8-10 weeks)?

    If yes, 2 weekly injects, 3weekly injects, 4weekly injects? And dose?

    I'm 33 and have a daughter so no reason for me to come completely off.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by kleine View Post

    Usefull for cruising(8-10 weeks)?

    If yes, 2 weekly injects, 3weekly injects, 4weekly injects? And dose?

    I'm 33 and have a daughter so no reason for me to come completely off.
    I would dose Nebido once every 10 to 14 days or so, dosage would depend on your stats. 1ml each time is more than enough for majority.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by THE COACH View Post
    I would dose Nebido once every 10 to 14 days or so, dosage would depend on your stats. 1ml each time is more than enough for majority.
    Thank you. I will try it after my blast. Have already nebido in stock.

  5. #5
    Blast and Cruise would eventually make you infertile right? Unless you blasted and cruised for a long while (ie few years) then did a hard PCT with HCG, tamoxifen, clomid etc and stayed off until you had a kid? Or would the use of clomid, hcg during the blast and cruise be ok and reduce infertility?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by h0rsey View Post
    Blast and Cruise would eventually make you infertile right? Unless you blasted and cruised for a long while (ie few years) then did a hard PCT with HCG, tamoxifen, clomid etc and stayed off until you had a kid? Or would the use of clomid, hcg during the blast and cruise be ok and reduce infertility?
    Whether blast & cruise or cycle & PCT, when you're "on", your endocrine system is "off". There's no "reducing fertility" by using ancillaries while on the cycle because your testicles will still stay "off". You're either "on" or "off", where it's like a light switch. So just as you said in the first two sentences, if you want to have a kid you'll ideally have to come off completely and run a very strong PCT until your lady gets pregnant. But that said, there are many people, some I know personally whom have had kids while blasting so it really is a subjective issue here.

  7. #7
    what about going off after like 2 years of blasting and cruising? wil your test ever be as high as it was before?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Dekerel View Post
    what about going off after like 2 years of blasting and cruising? wil your test ever be as high as it was before?
    Genetics, my friend. There are guys who go on for years then come off without ever doing a proper PCT and they're fine after a few months. Of course, those are outliers and some people will never see their natural levels the same again.

  9. #9
    Coach, what is your opinion on running HCG through your cycle? It's not something i've done but i see a lot of comments elsewhere on forums etc from people who insist its the way...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris GW View Post
    Coach, what is your opinion on running HCG through your cycle? It's not something i've done but i see a lot of comments elsewhere on forums etc from people who insist its the way...
    A lot of people like to think running HCG is gonna make you 'shut down less' which is quite a nonsensical term IMO. When you're shut down, you're shut down; doesn't matter whether you're on a TRT dose or you're blasting 15 grams of steroids but when you're down, you're down. HCG acts like an on switch for your balls - when you're off your cycle and PCTing you take it to switch things on again. I don't see the need to run HCG concurrent to the cycle.

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