I asked because it does affect my answer; if you're having too low an estrogen reading there's an entirely different causation between running 200mg Test in your cycle or blasting 2 grams of it. Likewise with the Tren; if you're running a very low dose of Tren then it might be underlying thyroid issues rather than just ratio imbalances. No need to be rude. It's much easier to assess your situation with exact numbers to work with rather than generic "it's high", "it's very low", and "it's through the roof" descriptions.

For your progesterone:

Try this product called SAM-E. There's a bunch of generic name brands out for sale online. Get that, it will help.

Cabergoline does have a direct effect on lower progesterone, but it will continue to bring prolactin down as well when yours is already so low.

About the Letro question:

Letro kills the free floating estrogen in your body, but 1 tablet of Letro can only do so much with regards to how much your body is converting from aromatisation. That's why I asked to know about your cycle and dosages. But anyway, at 400mg running a tab of Letro alone should nuke your estrogen. The high readings in your bloodwork could have been from a rebound/yo-yo effect assuming you came off right before the test.

About Estrogen:

Get the Aromasin (I know we don't stock it here but get it from a generic online pharmacy from India or Mexico; shouldn't be too hard to Google). Run it at 25mg ED for a start.

Good going with switching to short esters but I wouldn't remove Testosterone completely while running so many AIs because there will be a rebound after that. My advice would be to switch to a short estered Test like Test Prop, run it at around 200mg to 250mg a week. Get off all other compounds, so just this TRT dose but with a short ester. Clean up your diet, clear our dairy and run the Aromasin at 25mg ED. Taper it down as the weeks progress then get another blood test done at the 6 week mark. Continue with the caloric deficit and try to lean out.