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Thread: Cycle time / length

  1. #1

    Cycle time / length

    Just wondering the idea cycle length
    For what I'm taking

    Test 400 - 400mg a week 200mg mon thurs
    Tren ace 60mg ed
    Mast duo 1 ml mon 1ml Thursday
    Getting good gains no water as taking Ai
    Is there anything else to shot in this cycle? Or how long to cycle for

    Should i be working out more a week
    I'm currently doing mon upper body
    Tues lower Wednesday cardio
    Thursday upper body Friday lower weekend off
    Upper body workout is approx an hour maybe longer help is much appreciated
    Last edited by Pasty smasher; 08-19-2017 at 09:26 AM. Reason: How often to workout?

  2. #2
    Few things:

    1. Training split itself looks fine but you might wanna throw in more cardio sessions - light cardio as a form of active recovery and for health purposes even on the weekends just to keep your heart pumping well.

    2. What's your goal for this cycle? I assume based on the choice of compounds it's to lean down and get shredded; in this case, if you're preparing for a photoshoot or a show you can cycle a dry orals in and out every 4 weeks or just for the 4 weeks leading up to the show/shoot. You could do Winstrol, or maybe Epistane or Superdrol depending on the kind of 'look' you're shooting for (dry look/full look, etc).

    3. What are your plans for after this cycle? Meaning, do you intend to PCT and go off, or are you a blast and cruise kind of guy? If you're gonna cycle off after, you could run this between for around 12 weeks, 16 weeks might be pushing it a little but not uncommon.

  3. #3
    Thanks for reply
    I do try with more cardio but the tren a is slowing me down
    So I can concentrate burning the last bit of fat at the end of tren I have pct Mts pro two weeks afte last jab
    I was wanting to slim but not comfortable
    I'm loving lean gains and burning a bit of fat slowly which I can deal with as I'm not bad so I'm looking better with the bulk on and feeling more comfortable
    Planning 12-15 weeks at my doses didn't no weather I was wasting the mast duo?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Pasty smasher View Post
    Thanks for reply
    I do try with more cardio but the tren a is slowing me down
    So I can concentrate burning the last bit of fat at the end of tren I have pct Mts pro two weeks afte last jab
    I was wanting to slim but not comfortable
    I'm loving lean gains and burning a bit of fat slowly which I can deal with as I'm not bad so I'm looking better with the bulk on and feeling more comfortable
    Planning 12-15 weeks at my doses didn't no weather I was wasting the mast duo?
    what is your exact cycle and question?

  5. #5
    At the moment tren ace 50mg ed
    Test 400 400mg a week split dose mon/ thurs
    Dros prop 150mg
    Dros e 300mg a week split dose mon / Thursday
    Thinking I'm wasting the mast duo ? Or is the something else to through in for more lean gains or is this enough for a 12-15 week cycle then pct and wait for my winter cycle

  6. #6
    Again to answer your question you have to tell us what exactly is the goal you have for this cycle. What you've told us so far is rather generic and hard for us to properly help you.

    In terms of the Mast Duo, Masteron's cosmetic effect shines the most when you're very lean (think somewhere in the single digits). You visually look more polished with better skin quality and it does make a difference where you won't be wasting it. But again, it shines when you're lean enough. Having Masteron in this cycle you're running, assuming by 'lean gains' you mean getting down to a good body fat percentage then slowly increasing your lean mass, the Masteron will contribute and help in your overall look. It will also help with controlling estrogen to a certain degree.

  7. #7
    I want to look big full muscley but not bloated if that make sense
    I'm fairly new to this I've done cycles in the past 8-9 years ago all ways trained on and of from young
    But let go of things when a family suddenly arrives but getting back on track now just need a little help lol

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Pasty smasher View Post
    I want to look big full muscley but not bloated if that make sense
    I'm fairly new to this I've done cycles in the past 8-9 years ago all ways trained on and of from young
    But let go of things when a family suddenly arrives but getting back on track now just need a little help lol
    best thing you could do is sign up with our coach. its money well spent cause you will save time and many mistakes by doing this and thus it will actually cost you less. i wish when i was just starting out that there were coaches and internet etc. makes things much easier

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