I'm into my third week of a 16 week bulking cycle and am considering adding Clen and T3, I would appreciate any feedback Pro or Con on the inclusion of these two supps.

My current cycle started 8/23/2017;
Test Cyp @ 200mg a week
Test E @ 400mg a week
Deca @ 300mg a week
Dbol @ 50mg a day (25mg am & pm)
Arimidex @ 1mg a week

223 lbs
18-20% BF
59 years old

2nd cycle
first cycle was test cyp @ 200mg a week x 8 weeks

most recent blood work (7/18/2017) while on test cyp 200mg a week
test = 794ng/dL
test free = 1.62ng/dL
t4 free = .79ng/dL
t3 tot = 123ng/dL
IGF-1 = 121ng/mL
GH = .5ng/mL

Thanks in advance for your responses, I do appreciate it.