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Thread: Pros and Cons of adding Clen and T3 to a bulking cycle

  1. #1

    Pros and Cons of adding Clen and T3 to a bulking cycle

    I'm into my third week of a 16 week bulking cycle and am considering adding Clen and T3, I would appreciate any feedback Pro or Con on the inclusion of these two supps.

    My current cycle started 8/23/2017;
    Test Cyp @ 200mg a week
    Test E @ 400mg a week
    Deca @ 300mg a week
    Dbol @ 50mg a day (25mg am & pm)
    Arimidex @ 1mg a week

    223 lbs
    18-20% BF
    59 years old

    2nd cycle
    first cycle was test cyp @ 200mg a week x 8 weeks

    most recent blood work (7/18/2017) while on test cyp 200mg a week
    test = 794ng/dL
    test free = 1.62ng/dL
    t4 free = .79ng/dL
    t3 tot = 123ng/dL
    IGF-1 = 121ng/mL
    GH = .5ng/mL

    Thanks in advance for your responses, I do appreciate it.

  2. #2
    I can really do not recommend T3. From my personal experience.
    It makes me flat as hell, weak and lethargic.

    In my opinion Clen is by far the best fatburner. Just cycle it a little bit. You will get along with the sides quickly. And, recording to Dave Palumbo, it is the only fatburner that actually burns fat. Maybe besides from DNP...

    T3 also comes with several sides on libido, hair and so on...

  3. #3
    Thank you for your reply, greatly appreciated

  4. #4
    i would use clen only for cutting, t3 is good to use also with a bulking cycle but mostly up to 50mcg ED, more and you will burn more off then you want when bulking

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