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Thread: Important update 25th sept: Stealth Orders

  1. #1

    Important update 25th sept: Stealth Orders

    Due to a big amount of new stealth orders, in the next few days and weeks we will have a slight delay of a few days on new stealth orders. Every order will be sent and every single client will get their order, just with a few days delay. We are working as hard as we can and all current stealth orders will be sent by the end of this week.

    Notice: there is no delay on the normal orders, these are all going out quickly as always

    So thank you for the big support and a big amount of new stealth orders and rest assured we are working day and night to have them all sent your way asap. Pls bare with us on a few days delay for new stealth orders, we are sure you will as always love our products

    thank you

  2. #2
    thanks for the info , i have made many orders and all with stealth shipping . Few days delay it's no big deal...

  3. #3
    has the stealth range of oils been taken off the site?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaster View Post
    has the stealth range of oils been taken off the site?
    All good read the post and I see stealth is still avalible

  5. #5
    correct, stealth is fully available and we are sending orders out fast, everything is on track

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