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Thread: Sustanon

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  1. #1
    Okay. Thanks for you help. I will injection 3 times a week.

  2. #2
    I have heard guys talk about the 21 day sus cycle
    What you do in inject 1ml sus250 ed for 21 days that is the load then run a six week cycle of low dose gear say npp or tren a with test p say 100mg
    eod and can add an oral say winny for leaner gain or dbol for mass.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaster View Post
    I have heard guys talk about the 21 day sus cycle
    What you do in inject 1ml sus250 ed for 21 days that is the load then run a six week cycle of low dose gear say npp or tren a with test p say 100mg
    eod and can add an oral say winny for leaner gain or dbol for mass.
    sounds like a myth made up in a gym. injecting over 1.5grams of testosterone per week for a few weeks then dropping it to almost nothing is pretty much a guarantee for a boatload of very bad sides and then 2 boatloads of even more sides. not something i would do

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