I have a solid form, but on Cut i feel "small"
In the end of Cut I feel like skinny fucking kid.
Now, i want to cut for summer but also want "a bit" more gains.

Roids I had used before:
always low testo, high tren, small dose drosta a couple times.
dnp,low t3 und clen but i dont want to use dnp one more time.

Stats: 166cm, 87kg, 14% Fat

Stuff I have at home:
bolde a (holy fucking pip)
tren a
testo p
drosta p

Cut will be like lowfat..
Carbs and Protein high, then week to week lower the carbs..

What should i do, now?
Everything in and cal +- 0 ? (Recomp)
First npp bolde to geht hough, then cut
First tren,drosta etc. to get lean, then lean bulking with oder without bolde npp ?
I can get also Anavar.. but at Drosta Tren ... would i feel the anavar?

Please help me