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Thread: Your favorite MTS product?

  1. #1

    Your favorite MTS product?

    Hey guys, just curious about everyone's preference on the MTS gears.
    What is your favorite Top 3 from MTS ???

    My Top 3:
    1: primo
    2: shredded
    3: stanavar

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Tren ace
    Mast e

    For me these are the best I’m much drier on these and the tren is unbelievable the mast also as the combo for sure is keeping me much tighter and eq I get hunger on it and more veins to me it’s the best growth stack as your dryer and have the hunger to eat the food but ofcourse test is the real mass gainer 2g ideal amount to be thick most pros go 2-4g of test

  4. #4
    MTS tren is just unbelievable !!

  5. #5
    The best tren ace for many years , even big forums like HGH 15iu

  6. #6
    Pfoeh that's a hard one..

    Stand alone products:
    Tren ace
    Trestolone ace

    Med Mutasion
    Pro MT200

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