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Thread: First Blast please comment to educate and improve

  1. #41
    feeling good on Mast E I'm only running 400mg a week along with 600 test E at the moment and my skin has that tight look&feel along with increase vascularity especially on my forearms and biceps. I seem to have dialed my AI in and everything is going smooth so far the results are more than what I expected and I'm very happy with my progress so far

    Will be on this for a few more weeks the a short cruise for a week or two due to an urgent situation and then I'll be running Pro MT 200 along with Test E or P (still debating) maybe some EQ depends on how I react to my first Tren use.

    This is not for a comp or anything it's just to test waters with tren to be honest and get ready for next year when I do my first comp.

    I will have my diet in check and put my best effort into this cut to try and get a low BF % and then blast again in time for Christmas.

  2. #42
    Good to hear you're processing well mate, personally I would stick to the test e over test p, especially if you already have test e built up in your system, less oil, less pinning frequency, cheaper and less pip. Test p causes excruciating pip for me to the point I can barely walk.

    And another recommendation mate I wouldn't run tren and eq together if you first haven't tried them separately, those two compounds are the worst hormones there are in terms of mental effects and adding them together can be a brutal combo for some people. Test the waters with tren first, then have an eq run without the tren and if you can handle them by themselves pretty easily then combine them.

    What dosages were you thinking for your next run of test, tren and mast?

  3. #43
    thanks mate I'll go with leaving eq out completely and focus on tren to see how well I can handle it.

    So pro Mt 200 is 100mg tren a and 100mg mast p per ml. I plan on staying with 600ml test e weekly and 350 tren and mast a week : which is half a ml of pro MT ed and 1ml of test e twice a week.

    Depending on what happens I'll up the tren n mast gradually so say 6 weeks in ill start 75ml tren & mast and if all goes well I'll reach 100ml of both ed.

    The only real side I'm worried when it comes to tren is getting pissed of easily. working in the corporate world can get annoying when dealing wit pot belly arseholes

  4. #44
    I think tren agitation is overhyped honestly. Just get good sleep and rest and relax during your personal time. Mast completely nulled any tren issues I had. I slept 6-8 hours a night, mild night sweats, felt decent mentally, though about 8 weeks in I felt overall a bit burnt out cns wise. Just started dragging ass regardless of how my diet or sleep was. That was on 750 tren and 750 mast and 150 test e. Overall it was to test waters with higher tren and in the end it was more tren than I needed for the results I got.

  5. #45
    Since I'm already Test E and Mast E at the moment would it be wise just to get tren A and add it into the mix when I start instead of switching to Mast P? also tempted to chuck in an oral something like Anavar for the last 8 weeks or something

  6. #46
    Something to Laugh about -

    I have been doing some weird shit lately

    A few nights ago I walked over to my gfs side of the bed and said :"Don't fuckn touch the last of my Ai. If I find out you did I'll have your head" and then went back to sleep. I had a sore throat as well which probably gave a +1 to the sound effect

    she woke me up and told me what I said, I didn't believe her but later on I did because she doesn't know what an Ai is, means or why it's used so there is no way she would have just made something up.

    I'm not a violent person and have respect for anyone and everyone. we laughed about it later that morning but still I can't believe I said that haha.

    She knows I'm on so yeah didn't have anything to lie about.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a beast View Post
    Since I'm already Test E and Mast E at the moment would it be wise just to get tren A and add it into the mix when I start instead of switching to Mast P? also tempted to chuck in an oral something like Anavar for the last 8 weeks or something
    I thought you were running pro mt? If you are already running test e and mast e I would just chuck some tren ace in for now till you're out of mast e then swap to pro mt. You don't need to do your tren ace/mast prop injects daily btw, it can get quite annoying jabbing yourself everyday, if your oil volume allows you can do every second day, the only times I have done every day is when oil was above 3ml for every second day and I would've had to do 2 jabs anyway to get it all in.

  8. #48
    Yeah ignore all that I will be running Pro MT mid September I first need to sort a few things out before I jump on this cut I want give it my best.

    it's going to be :

    Test e 600 mg weekly

    Pro MT : 0.5 ml daily - to see how I react to tren BUT knowing me it won't take long till I push 100mg probably a week or 2 in

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a beast View Post
    Yeah ignore all that I will be running Pro MT mid September I first need to sort a few things out before I jump on this cut I want give it my best.

    it's going to be :

    Test e 600 mg weekly

    Pro MT : 0.5 ml daily - to see how I react to tren BUT knowing me it won't take long till I push 100mg probably a week or 2 in
    Me personally for a cut I keep test low, test is a mass builder and you're not going to be growing when cutting plus it adds water to you. I would do like 0.5ml test e per week and 1ml pro mt EOD.. Don't do every day pins when you don't need to.

  10. #50
    Plans have changed now

    I'm going to continue bulking but with a slight tweak:

    • Bumping my Test E up from 600mg per week to 800mg per week
    • Mast E will stay the same 400mg per week
    • Adding a new compound - MED-MENT (Trestolone) 25mg ED

    I will probably up the Trest later to 50mg ED but for now at 25mg is enough for me to see changes daily.

    I’m not in the rite mind set to run Tren and dedicate time to cut at the moment due to other personal crap I have to deal with.

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