Hello guys
I’ve just won a competition couple weeks ago, so I decided to do a 8-10weeks bridge before starting a bulking cycle.
I have used the brand MTS, and had some great results from it (you can see on my comp prep log), so for this reason I’ll use again their stuff.
The purpose of this bridge is to add few lbs while trying to stay around 10-12% bf.
I heard some positive stuff (nothing crazy) about low dosage of masteron on trt dosage, so why not give it a go and see.

Test Enanthate (MTS): 200mg/week (split in 2 injections)
Masteron Enanthate (MTS): 100mg/week (split in 2 injections)
HGH (MTS): 4 iu/day (2iu morning/2iu Post workout)
Humalog: 4iu Post Workout
HCG: 250iu twice per week

Some of you will probably ask why I am using Insulin with a very small dosage, and not in a proper bulking cycle, well, I am using it for two reasons:
-fighting the potential hyperglycemia from the HGH
- anabolic effect: absorb nutrients into muscle cells

Why using masteron? I’m not expecting crazy result with a baby dosage like that, more about a well being aspect, like libido, regulating the estrogens, maybe reducing water and promoting vascularity (probably not with only 100mg, but it is not going to kill me anyway).
I am not going to lie, I wasn’t in the best head space the past month (also before my comp), so I haven’t been very serious with the food after the show, so I am holding water like a ballon