Week: 9
Weight: 83,9kg

Sorry, I couldn't post lately as I was traveling for work.
I am feeling full, and feeling extremly healthy.
This little cruise from MTS is absolutely great, I will definitely do it again in the future, as I'm staying clean and full.
Especially adding the masteron with a low dosage is very benefical.

I'll start very soon (in a week or two) a new thread for my new lean bulk!!!

Test Enanthate (MTS): 200mg/week (split in 2 injections)
Masteron Enanthate (MTS): 100mg/week (split in 2 injections)
HGH (MTS): 5 iu/day (2,5iu morning/2,5iu Post workout)
Humalog: 3iu morning / 4iu Post Workout
HCG: 250iu twice per week

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