Height: 186cm
Weight: 96kg
Age: 30
Body Fat %: 28% (according to some home scales)
How many calories per day do you eat? 2300 (trying to lose % faster as ive been stuck at 95-96 for a while)
How many times per week do you train? 4-5 times weights + HIIT
How long have you trained for? 5 years
Previous cycle experience?

2 cycles along with GH, clen and ephedrine cycledeach 2 weeks

1st 2017: tbol 30mg ED, TestE 400mg/E5days first 5 weeks, then var 50mg/ED, TestE 400mg/E5days 5 more weeks, i stopped logging it so dont recall exactly what I did after my coach at the time ran me through some PCT-

2nd 2018: Sus 250/E3Days, EQ 250/Eweek, Primo 100/E3Days, after week 5 had some win 30mg/ED and i think var 25MG ED, all in all 12 weeks, followed by 5 weeks clomid- again this was lead by my coach at the time I think there werre some other AI involved too, tamoxifen also

Desired goals: I want to prep for my first competition withouut a coach, whether I get on stage is another thing but I dont need to decide now, my main focus is to lean down to see what I have and try add some muscle along the way hence - cycle - the show im thinking of doing is in about 16 weeks, ive never seen my abs

Ive done bloods recently test and estrogen all normal, a lil bit of high bad colesterol and some liver function slight issues whether from the previous cycles or the shitty diet I had for some time checking this out with GP - right now diet is clean and training is hard. And Im going to be getting more GH soon which had a good impact on my BF% before

With my cycles I defo gained some lean mass, but I never managed to really get down to very low BF as diet usually screwed up had good vacularity in arms and quads etc midsection is the toughest for me, now I have a fixed goal which makes sticking to my diet way way easier

I have some things left over in a drawer wanted to ask if I can use them along something like bignfull followed by hardnlean or just lean gain etc-
-plenty of clen and ephedrine
- 21 tabs anastrozole 1mg
- 60 tabs turinabol 10mg
- 50 tabs proviron 25mg
- 15 tabs exemstane 25mg
- 15 tabs clomid 50mg

sorry for the long post! i appreciate comments on the previous cycles - whether good or bad whats done is now done so Iwant to move forwards
using the products i already have would be nice but if its just a waste so be it! -

Looking for advice / guidance on what I can do now to get the best result in the time I have.

Thank you!