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Thread: LOG: Off Season- Lean bulk with MTS

  1. #31
    Week: 10
    Weight: 90,1kg
    Week: 11
    Weight: 90,3kg

    My weight isn't getting much more higher, but I still make some progress, as my body keep changing even if the scale don't.
    I start to get rounded shoulders, thanks to the boldenone, really love that stuff !!!
    I stopped NPP and Deca last week, and started this week Primobolan 100mg (1ml) ED....
    I am not going to change my diet till next weekend, then I will slowly reduce calories, but calorie surplus.

    Current cycle:
    -Primobolan (MTS): 100mg ED
    -Boldenone (MTS): 500mg E4D
    -Testo P (MTS): 50mg ED
    -HGH (MTS): 4iu ED
    -Novorapid: 7iu ED
    -arimidex (MTS): 0.25mg EOD;

  2. #32
    Week: 12
    Weight: 90,6kg

    Its great to switch products and also have a little change in my diet.
    Can't to get the full effects from the Primobolan, it's a compound I really like for clean gains.
    I increased the dosage of the HGH (MTS) up to 5iu, 2,5 in the morning and 2,5iu post workout.
    Those 12 weeks were successful in my opinion, I gained 5,4kg of very lean mass, not holding much water, clean gains, I am very happy.
    Clean diet + intenses workouts + MTS Products = great results

    Current (new) diet:
    Meal 1:
    -40g eggs white protein powder
    -100g oats
    -20g almond butter
    -80g berries

    Meal 2:
    -200g beef (5%)
    -250g rice
    -150g vegetable
    -7g olive oil

    Meal 3: (preworkout)
    -200g white fish
    -300g baked potatoes
    -1 grapefruit
    -20g almonds

    -25g vitargo
    -10g BCAA

    Post Workout:
    -50g Whey Isolate
    -40g Cell Tech

    Meal 4: (20-30min after the shake)
    -180g chicken breast
    -300g sweet potatoes
    -100g spinach

    Meal 5:
    -200g salmon
    -200g rice
    -100g vegetables

    Meal 6:
    -10 eggs white
    -50 Berries
    -20g almond butter

    Current cycle:
    -Primobolan (MTS): 100mg ED
    -Boldenone (MTS): 500mg E4D
    -Testo P (MTS): 50mg ED
    -HGH (MTS): 5iu ED
    -Novorapid: 7iu ED
    -arimidex (MTS): 0.25mg EOD;

  3. #33
    Great work 💪. You can go Higher on test because you are on good hgh . And you can grow even more .

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Monstro View Post
    Great work 💪. You can go Higher on test because you are on good hgh . And you can grow even more .
    Thanks man, I'm not really chasing more gains, I'm more into fixing the gains I.have made.
    I added a DHT base product (masteron) to help fix those gains

  5. #35
    Week: 13 8)
    Weight: 90,4kg

    I added some Masteron Propionate for the end of my clean bulk, as I want a DHT base for my last two weeks to fix the gains I have made the past 12 weeks.
    I also deceased the Insulin, and kept it only for post workout.
    Feeling my libido going up !! ;D

    Current cycle:
    -Primobolan (MTS): 100mg ED
    -Boldenone (MTS): 400mg E4D
    -Testo P (MTS): 50mg ED
    -Masteron (MTS): 50mg ED
    -HGH (MTS): 5iu ED
    -Novorapid: 4iu ED
    -arimidex (MTS): 0.25mg EOD

  6. #36
    looking beastly!

    lean mean shredded and full

  7. #37
    Week: 14
    Weight: 90,1kg

    Slowly feeling tighter and leaner.
    My weight is slowly going down, as I am pulling out the extra water I was holding from NPP (even if it wasn't much).
    Muscles are getting harder, I love that feeling !!!

    upload picturesl

  8. #38
    Week 16:
    Weight: 90,4kg
    Sorry I couldn't post earlier, I had too much things going on...
    So this is the end of my lean bulk, amazing sensation with MTS, clean results!
    Satisfied as always, I know I can have my trust into them.
    Very professional, few times I had an issue, they fixed it, for example, broken vial, they sent me new one within 4days.

    Started at 85,2kg, now 90,4kg, so +5,2kg lean, no extra water.
    I'll go on a special TRT and make a new thread.
    Thanks to everyone who followed this log !!

  9. #39
    Looking brutal, thats one proper quality physique!

  10. #40
    Week 17:
    Weight: 90,7kg

    Second week I ended up the cycle, so second week I am running a TRT. Feeling great, still have good sensations and pumps, even put a bit of weight on.
    I feel fuller which is great hehe

    Current cycle:
    Test E (MTS): 100mg E4D
    HGH (MTS): 4iu ED
    Proviron: 25mg ED

    Current conditioning:

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