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Thread: Off-Season Cycle Advice.

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  1. #1

    Off-Season Cycle Advice.

    Hey guys,

    I just finished a small 2 week lay-off after competing in my NABBA/WFF show. It's now grow time and I'm looking for advice in regards to what I should run.

    My coach has recommended I try slin and growth this offseason @
    10iu Humalog Pre Workout
    1.5iu HGH in the middle of the night (was going to up it to 3iu)

    I've got 5 kits of Medtropin on the way and have all the slin ready to go.

    In terms of anabolics I was thinking of keeping it simple @
    Test E 500-600mgs/wk
    Dbol or Anadrol 50mgs/ED

    Should I bother throwing in one of the follwing? Deca, EQ or Tren E?

  2. #2
    There is no sense in running hGH bellow 4 IU, unless you are over the age of 30 then 1-2 IU can be used as a replacement dose... heck even 0.1 IU I have seen used for anti aging.

    Run 4 IU. 2 IU in morning as soon as you wake up, 2 IU at night right before bed. Both shot into delts. Rotate delts.

    If you are going to run hGH then you may as well get the most out of your anabolics and use higher dosages. I assume you're in a lean state coming out of a show.

    It depends on your size the dosages I'd run.

    1 g test e
    600 mg-800 mg/w deca
    50 mg EOD-ED mast prop to keep conditioning and feel good factor
    50 mg/d dianabol
    50-100 mg/d anadrol
    600-1000 mg/d TUDCA
    If you don't want to use anadrol then blow up on high dose anadrol as it is amazing when lean. 150-200 mg/d.

    Orals are 3 weeks on 2-3 weeks off depending on how you feel + LFT
    Try and stay away from AIs. If you NEED one because you are getting legit gyno (hard painful lumps under nipples) then use 12.5 mg EOD aromasin to start with. If it gets worse get on 20 mg nolva and up the AI to 25 mg ED aromasin. Drop the nolva when gyno gets better and play around with aromasin dose to find lowest dose which works to keep gyno away.
    Last edited by Powertard; 06-06-2015 at 10:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Powertard View Post
    There is no sense in running hGH bellow 4 IU, unless you are over the age of 30 then 1-2 IU can be used as a replacement dose... heck even 0.1 IU I have seen used for anti aging.

    Run 4 IU. 2 IU in morning as soon as you wake up, 2 IU at night right before bed. Both shot into delts. Rotate delts.

    If you are going to run hGH then you may as well get the most out of your anabolics and use higher dosages. I assume you're in a lean state coming out of a show.

    It depends on your size the dosages I'd run.

    1 g test e
    600 mg-800 mg/w deca
    50 mg EOD-ED mast prop to keep conditioning and feel good factor
    50 mg/d dianabol
    50-100 mg/d anadrol
    600-1000 mg/d TUDCA
    If you don't want to use anadrol then blow up on high dose anadrol as it is amazing when lean. 150-200 mg/d.

    Orals are 3 weeks on 2-3 weeks off depending on how you feel + LFT
    Try and stay away from AIs. If you NEED one because you are getting legit gyno (hard painful lumps under nipples) then use 12.5 mg EOD aromasin to start with. If it gets worse get on 20 mg nolva and up the AI to 25 mg ED aromasin. Drop the nolva when gyno gets better and play around with aromasin dose to find lowest dose which works to keep gyno away.
    Thanks for the in-depth response bro.
    Since I've just come off a pretty intense blast pre-comp, should I not drop the dosages a bit to let my receptors/body have a bit of a break?

  4. #4
    No problem, I enjoy helping people

    No such thing as receptor "damage" or "saturation" etc. It's a myth
    It's all to do with myostatin levels and glycogen retention. A guy will go on a blast where myostatin levels are relatively low and also glyocogen isn't hyper saturated. Suddenly he goes on anadrol high test deca etc. First of all, muscles hyper saturate with glycogen and therefore also water. Every 1g of glycogen 3 g of water goes with it in muscle IIRC. This glycogen saturation causes you to gain weight very quickly, bros think it is contractile protein gain but it isn't, it's all glycogen and water for the main part so far. After IIRC 10 weeks, myostain levels raise to the point of homeostasis temporarily slowing down muscle gain, then falls once more at week 13 so gains speed up once more.
    Also, people think your receptors get "clogged" etc because as you gain LBM, it becomes harder and harder to gain more! Guy on his first cycle will take 500 mg/w test and 100 mg anadrol and blow up from 180 lbs to 210 lbs in a few weeks then suddenly the gains slow down and he thinks it's because of "receptor clogging"... NOPE... just due to the afore mentioned points

    Receptors actually upregulate when you take AAS. Ie you actually have MORE receptors when you take steroids!!

    You always want to use hormones as lean as possible so you get maximal time to bulk on them. Honestly if I had come out of a show lean and ripped and say I was a natural I'd actually after eating a shit load of food and celebrating etc go and inject 500 mg test e 250 mg mast enth and take 100 mg anadrol the same day so I can maximize my results!

  5. #5
    Wait a sec
    What orals were you running

    Honestly, get blood work done to see where you stand. If liver enzymes and cholesterol is fucked then obviously stay offthe orals. Otherwise continue as normal wit injectables. get bloods done 3-4 wks later and they should be healthy then add in orals.

  6. #6
    I was using:
    100mg Anavar
    100mg Stana
    100mg Proviron
    50mg Halotestin (only for 7 days)

    Yea I reckon I'll get bloods done in the next week. I've put on quite a bit of weight since comp and have been getting pains in and around where my kidneys are. Could be due to excess water retention or just the fact I've fucked myself haha

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by sussupps View Post
    I was using:
    100mg Anavar
    100mg Stana
    100mg Proviron
    50mg Halotestin (only for 7 days)

    Yea I reckon I'll get bloods done in the next week. I've put on quite a bit of weight since comp and have been getting pains in and around where my kidneys are. Could be due to excess water retention or just the fact I've fucked myself haha
    Most people confuse back pumps/pain with the kidneys. If you'd fucked your kidneys you would know about it.

    If you've just finished using orals then i would take a break from them for now.

    Always best to rotate orals, typically 4 weeks on 4 weeks off is what i've always heard. Mr Big gives some good advice on how he uses them in another thread.

    If your in doubt always get your bloods checked by a doctor, there's a lot of shit and unnecessary fear mongering thrown about on bodybuilding boards about orals.

  8. #8
    Let us know how the organ transplant goes bud!

  9. #9

    No but seriously, get blood work done before going on the orals

    Also how is your BP?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Powertard View Post

    No but seriously, get blood work done before going on the orals

    Also how is your BP?
    Just got bloods/urine analysis back.
    All is sweet!

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