I made an order back at the start of the year using the 10 product deal. The order came fast and also included 5 test e which I didn’t order. When I told them I was told to keep them! Wow!

Now onto the products

I started at 187lbs with 11% bodyfat at 5’9. I’ve been training for many years and I’m a PT/nutritionist with many cycles under my belt

I used big n full, deca, equi-max and dbol/anadrol for a 10 week bulk. The gains were instant. Pumps were incredible. Strength through the roof. I gained around 12kg in ten weeks!

I then carried on the big n full and equi-max but added in pro mt 200 and lean bombs for an 8 week strip. This blew my mind! Body fat dropped daily but I was actually gaining lean tissue! I’ve never looked so lean and vascular!

I’m now standing at 212lbs at 6.4% body fat.

I have pictures to prove this

Thank you guys and I will be ordering again very soon