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Thread: Constant inflamation

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  1. #1

    Constant inflamation

    After some time in the offseason almost every time i do a shoot i got inflamation. I try to understand what is wrong.

    In the beggining i shoot 3cc in glutes, shoulders and got inflamed , now i use 27g 0/5" and the same inflamations

    I train always to failure every set without any deload and always tired. Maybe i have body inflamation from workout and when i do the shoots i always got another inflamation?

    I always have problem to have cuts on my legs , they always full and pumped but looking like inflamation

    Can it be possible my workout is creating this inflamations?

  2. #2
    Maximus what is your opinion?

  3. #3
    what do u exactly mea by inflammation?

    high c reactive protein in blood? or skin reaction from steroid shot or what exactly?

    it sounds like ur body is pretty toxic and inflamed as consequence. considering the HIGH ugl steroid amoiunts u are taking this is natural consequence. tren is made for cattle, EQ for horses and so on. no wonder our boadies inflame and look like melting and no cuts then

    put on top lots of bad food pro's or big guys are eating = indigestion = inflammation = bloated full no cuts look

    your pyrdamid is big BUT the quality/stability of it might not be the best from health point of view.

    unhealthy things = unhealthy look of the body and always tired feeling = body is fighting all bad things going in it

  4. #4
    What you recomend me to do? cycle? diet?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Monstro View Post
    What you recomend me to do? cycle? diet?
    tough to say bro, so many variables. you need to detox and have a healthier cleaner body and then you can make progress more

  6. #6
    Should i go off all ? Or just keep some test ?

    Best detox to do?

  7. #7
    perhaps get off all no bio identical hormones for a while, can keep hgh, test t3 and insulin in (bio identical). no orals they tax the body a lot and you can still make great progress with what you keep in, dont alwys need tren and other stuff to grow. dont forget health is needed to grow foremost

    how is ur diet, macros tell me and i will give you some extra tips where you can maybe improve.

    diet is most anabolic thing there is. protein is ONLY building block there is, rest is energy. without sufficient protein and essential amino acids there is no protein synthesis

  8. #8
    I dont know how to thank you. You helping me and mostly try to open my eyes to stay healthy . Yes most of the thinks you tell me i alredy know because make sense but in this sport we need someone outside tell us what is the best way to do.

    MACROS: Proteina 445gr Carbs 700gr Fat: 100gr Calories: 5500

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