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Thread: growing with mts road to a future pro

  1. #141
    rope pull 3x15 full stack
    Pulldown plated 2x10 200mg
    Plated row 3x12 160kg 2x200kg 10-9
    T bar row 2x8 100kg 10 120kg
    db row 2x12 50kg
    1 arm row 2x10 50kg 65kg 75kg
    pulldown 2x10 95kg
    pulldown behind 2x10 66kg
    Cable pullover 2x15 50kg
    Rack pull 1x10 220kg
    hypers 2x15 20kg plate

    good back session next week or this week I will begin adding cardio in to just keep tighter and for health

  2. #142
    slight incline smith 2x10 120kg10 150kg 8 150kg 6
    decline press 3x10 120kg 120-140kg
    Machine press 3x10 2x86kg full stack 8
    plate press 3x12 120kg
    db flat fly 3x12 30kg
    Cable fly 5x12 23kg
    lower cable fly 3x12 14kg

    rear delt db 3x12 30kg

    front delt cable 3x12 5kg

    side raise db 3x12 10-12kg

    Rope side raise 3x12 5kg

    Good session shoulders still annoying but can still train through it hard hopefully once I add a shoulder day in that helps and more weeks on back again

  3. #143

    lying hamstring 1 leg 3x10 36kg
    standing hamstring 3x15 45kg 2x52kg 12
    seated hamstring 2x15 2 5 second holds
    stiff leg bb 2x15 140kg 15 160kg15

    Abductor 3x10 86kg
    Adductor 3x12 73kg

    calves seated 2x15 80kg
    calves hack 1x15 130kg

    smith behind shrug 2x10 170kg
    plated shrug 3x12 120kg
    cable squeeze 3x20
    db shrug 2x12 50kg

    Good session will keep this in from now build it up

  4. #144
    Bicep tricep forearm
    rope pushdown 3x12 64kg15 2x73kg12
    Pushdown cable 3x12 50kg
    Skull crush easybar 3x12 30kg 40-45kg
    Reverse cable 3x15 18kg15 23kg
    Db skull 2x10 16-20kg 10

    bicep curl easy bar 3x12 30kg
    Incline db 3x12 14kg
    preacher 3x12 30kg
    concentration curl cable 3x12 18kg
    hammer curl dumbbell standing 2x10 30-40kg
    Close grip curl 3x12 30kg

    Forearms reverse curl 3x12 40kg
    Standing reverse 3x12 40kg
    Cable curl 50-74-full stack
    standing reverse curl 3x15 50-64-64

    Good arm session nice pump going too add cardio in next week just tighten up while growing

  5. #145
    Did quads today but didn’t write it down didn’t go as planned and just pumped them out on different leg press styles good pump and going too go that route for legs as getting blood volume is key over just weight focous

    Going to push food today
    Weighed myself 278lbs but happy with that if I can push up a bit more too 290 that be great but today big carb refeed lowered protein

  6. #146
    slight incline smith 3x10 120kg
    High incline 3x10 80kg
    Plate press 3x12 120kg 2x160kg
    Machine press 3x10 66kg20 2x86kg
    db flat fly 3x12 32kg 2-12-1-10
    Cable fly 5x12 15-17
    lower cable fly 3x12 10kg

    side raise 3x12 16kg

    rear delt db 3x15 32kg

    front delt db 3x12 14kg

    okay session nothing crazy

  7. #147

    So taken the rest of the week off again not ideal but pulled lower back last week just moving under the smith to squat not ideal to rest again but will be fully rested to go Monday and I’m changing everything I didn’t really write my training like I said I would but this time writing out a new plan and diet last 5 weeks just not been eating enough or timing it right bad sleep probably why had these niggles

    So I know for now cardio goes back in 30-40 minutes everyday diet training I will write it out and post once done but these next 2 months of the year left are crucial for me to push hard make sure I’m recovering perfectly sleep being the biggest factor.

  8. #148
    I was wondering, are you still using metformin bro?

  9. #149
    Yes mate always use metformin 1500 pre bed 500 morning.

  10. #150

    rope pull 3x12 77kg
    Pulldown plated 3x10 200kg
    Plated row 3x10 150-170kg
    bb row 3x10 140kg

    Skull crusher cable bar 3x12 41kg
    rope pushdown 5x12 36-50kg
    revere 1 arm pushdown 5x10

    bb curl 3x12 100kg
    reverse curl 3x12 40kg
    cable curl 3x12 64kg

    Great session ready too kill it again
    foods going right up 5500-6000

    Protein 300 always
    Carbs 800-1000
    fats 120

    This will be the basic plan
    5-6 days 1-2 day off training
    Last edited by DarrenW29; 11-01-2021 at 05:27 PM.

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