To get back to the issue of guys you inflate right up without first building a base I will tell you a little story.

I was about 22 years old been training now 5 years and a guy comes into the guy from the local navy base asked me about training and wanted to know about gear. He said I looked good and must know something!

I explained my thoughts on it much like what I have said in my opening post. He comes back about a week later and said I was wrong and he new the real way to do it. He went to the doc and got his scripts

This is what he said he was doing

750mg of sus250 per week
750mg of test e per week
100mg of Anap ED

My cycles was something like the below and I was into my second year of cycling

6 week cycle of
Tribolon 75mg 4ml per week
20mg d bol ed

Ok I will admit the guy on his cycle got big really big surpassed me in about 3 months he went from 98kg to 120kg but he just looked liked he was full of air and not very strong. but because he was now a walking unit he must be doing something right.

Well about 12 months later I came second in a novice show to which he did that same show and he did not even make top 5 he was up set because he was huge no doubt but no quality to his end product. And I saw him about 5 years after that and he was a stick and by then I had stated to use test in cycles and at 168cm top out at 102kg 13% bf so mow I was a beast. He just said I should have take your advice mate. I and said all good things come to those who wait.

So all you young guys just take your time this sport requires it if you want to build something you can sustain. I mean even now if I come off totally and keep training I still look half descent due to the fact I built a base all those years ago.