Quote Originally Posted by emperorcaliano View Post
Hey guys, in march I started a new thread, unfortunately I have all the data lost with the bug on the website.

So I will start it again.
Instead of putting now a pic week 1 and a pic 10 weeks later. I will post week per week every posts, as I still have the data.

"Hey the muscle family, I'm starting a new thread, the main goal is to add some muscle to the frame, without putting too much fat or water on. Diet is a key as always.

Got all my stuff ready.
Even if all my bloodwork are all good, I don't want to run orals during off season. That's why I am also using
They have apparently 2 warehouses, one based in UK, another in europe.
UK's was out of stock in Test E, so they sent it out from the EU's warehouse which arrived within a week (5 days for the UK's one).

-Boldenone: 250mg EOD
-NPP: 100mg ED
-Tren E: 100mg EOD
-Test P: 50mg EOD
-Test E (MTS): 100mg EOD
-HGH (MTS): 4iu/day (2iu morning, 2iu post workout)
-IGF LR3: 40iu ED (week 5-8)
-Novorapid: 8iu morning / 8iu post workout (week 1-4 / week 9-12)
-HCG: 250mcg E3D
-MK-677: 30mg ED (15mg morning, 15mg pre-bed)
-Arimidex: 0.25mg E3D

Previous conditioning 90,3kg (currently sitting around 91kg)


Stuff from MTS



Been debating it how do you feel splitting up you hgh doses having one post workout ?