Weight: 98.9kg

Happy witht the progress.
I thought it would be painful after time to pin everyday all the time, but got absolutely no pip with MTS gears, love it.
I will try to push it to the 100kg before going on trt.

Monday: Push
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Pull
Thursday: OFF
Friday: Arms/medium delts
Saturday: Hamstrings/lower back.
Sunday: OFF

-Boldenone: 250mg EOD
-NPP: 100mg ED
-Tren E: 100mg EOD
-Test P: 50mg EOD
-Test E (MTS): 100mg EOD
-HGH (MTS): 4iu/day (2iu morning, 2iu pre workout
-Novorapid: 8iu morning / 8iu pre workou
-HCG: 250mcg E3D
-MK-677: 15mg (Tuesday and saturday)
-lantus: 30
-Arimidex: 0.25mg E3D