Made some slight changes into my diet. I’ll add 200 kcals to my diet on training days. Weight is slowly creeping up and conditioning is still in a very good place! The following weeks i’ll keep monitoring progression and i’ll add food when needed. In September i’ll get a new coach that is going the help me in my upcoming contest prep in 2022. I’ll run a full offseason with him so he gets enough time to learn my body.

Current macros:
TD’s: 4200 kcals (275 P / 600 C / 78 F)
NTD: 3750 kcals (275 P / 450 C / 95 F)

Bodyweight this morning: 100,4kg

Example of how my food is looking on a training day:

Meal 1
120gr oats
50gr whey
200gr apple
20gr peanutbutter

Meal 2
100gr basmati rice
100gr pineapple
150gr chicken
150gr mixed veggies
10-15gr sriracha

Meal 3 (pre)
100gr basmati rice
100gr pineapple
150gr chicken
150gr mixed veggies
10-15gr sriracha

15gr EAA’s
30gr carbs from dextrose

Meal 4 (post)
120gr coco pops
200gr unsweetened almond milk
50gr whey

Meal 5
450gr white potatoes
150gr filet steak
150gr mixed veggies
20-25gr light ketchup

Meal 6
190gr Salmon
80gr basmati rice
Soy sauce

Current cycle will keep the same, but after 2 weeks i’ll make changes so keep an eye on that. All new products that will be added are from MTS