Short and sweet freestyle workouts since i’m on holiday. Hitting more of a bro split style then PPL to allow the body to recover and be fresh once i’m back home!


HS preacher curl
60kg x 12
60kg x 11
60kg x 10 ds 35kg x 10 ds 25kg x 12

Cross-body triceps pushdowns
9,25kg x 15
9,25kg x 15
9,25kg x 15
9,25kg x 14

Behind the back cable curls
14,25kg x 15
14,25kg x 12
14,25kg x 10A

Machine dips
110kg x 15
110kg x 13
110kg x 12
110kg x 12 ds 80kg x 10 ds 45kg x 10

Smith machine JM press
40kg x 15
40kg x 15
40kg x 13

Dumbell hammer curls
20kg x 12
20kg x 10
16kg x 13

Standing HS calf raises
135kg x 14
135kg x 12
135kg x 11
135kg x 10 ds 90kg x 6 ds 45kg x 6