
6 week into a mini cut right now! After 18 weeks in a surplus it was time to give the body a little break from pushing bodyweight up. Man feels good to eat a little bit less. Ended the bulk with 6000 calories on training days and 5000 on non training days. Bodyweight went up to an all time high of 118kg / 260 lbs.

Didn’t want to push it any further with calories and wanted to give my digestion a little break so time for a little mini cut. Backed down my calories every single week pretty hard at the beginning by 1000 calories and then every single week by 200 calories. Proteins around 300, relatively high carbs and low fat because i want to keep performance as high as possible. Since it is a mini cut of 8 weeks it will be more aggresive. As soon as bloods come in and they’re g2g i’ll be starting another push phase. Digestion is in a good spot again, sleep improved drastically and i’m still able to progress most lift.

I’ll be updating with new shape updates as soon as the mini cut is over. Now that i’m leaner again i can see i made some good improvements.