I believe now is an ideal time to give a very brief review of medtropin hgh. I have been training for 19 years and have alot of experience using steroids as well as hgh so I know if a product is working or not and let me tell you, this medtropin does work and is awesome. I am taking only 4 iu ED, dosed 2iu AM preworkout and 2 iu pre-bed.
During the first week on this product, I noticed an incredible pump and muscles felt tight during training. How do I know it was not a placebo effect? Because I follow an extremely low carb diet(keto) and I always prime with hgh only prior to adding anabolics.
By the second week I was sleeping like a baby and having vivid dreams. I was taking 2 naps a day along with my normal sleep schedule.
By the third week I noticed that I was shedding bodyfat whilst keeping that 3D look that hgh is notorious for and still having intense pumps and fullness. Skin began tightening up more and seemed to wrap around the muscle. Increase in vascularity was also noticed. I have veins in places I have never imagined like abs, newer veins in thighs and even on the shins and calves.
No side effects were noted like hand numbness, extreme water retention and high blood pressure like other shitty generics.
On a sidenote, the service of MTS is excellent. What these guys have is an unmatched reputation and integrity. I could not question their products.
I do have one concern though and that is if they run out of medtropin stock. So I kindly ask bigdaddy/mr big to keep stocking this hgh.
I am about to start my 3rd kit and I can honestly tell you that I am addicted to this hgh. I will never cycle again without it. I will be placing another order soon and hopefully blast with much higher doses of hgh. I cannot wait to see the effects of more muscle and more pronounced fat loss for my next blast. Thank you MTS!