Hey guys, I'm currently on a cruise (been on it for couple months), feeling well and healthy.
Main goal was to maintain muscle form my last cycle.
Currently sitting at 95kg.
Using MTS gears as usual (my fav source, no point to run another brand), I always had decent results with it, never been disappointed.

Current cycle:
Test E: 150mg E5D
HGH: 4iu training day (2iu morning / 2iu pre workout)
Novorapid: 4iu post workout
Cardarine: 20mg (1h before workout)
Proviron: 12,5mg

Current split:
Day 1: push
Day 2: legs
Day 3 : pull
Day 4: Off
Day 5: shoulders/upper chest
Day 6: posterior chain (upper & lower)
Day 7: Off