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Thread: My blueprint to get shredded

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    My blueprint to get shredded

    My blueprint to get shredded
    serious bodybuilders

    you want too keep the size fullness coming in that round 3D as possible the difference today I will share here in what it takes coming into detailed full grainy gorilla mode

    Testosterone is the key anabolic some do lower the dosage coming into a comp cutting phase too limit water retention estrogen but here’s the mistake testosterone keeps us full all over they may have done this in the 90s but now we have strong ai drugs too combat estrogen and dry us out more that they didn’t have in the Dorian Yates days so coming into contest keep the test in 750-2000mg throughout

    Secondly one of the biggest changes trenbolone made for cattle to beef them up in a hurry it’s the key for nutrient partitioning lowers cortisol catabolic horomone prevents nitrogen loss aka muscle loss very anabolic androgenic increased metabolism dosages of this hormone 300-1000mg

    Another is masteron a dht which has ai properties and gives you a much drier hardened tight grainer look dosages 400-700mg

    anadrol aka oxys the nightclub drug when people think of anadrol massive weight gain which is correct but in a specific stage of cutting this wonderful hormone can give your muscle a fullness with veins much more diameter it’s a key that you’d see levrone use too blow himself up dosages 50-200mg

    halotestin the drug that can turn you from a friendly giant too the crime reaper this one I don’t think it’s a must but used at specific times will harden your physique up used near the end like a finishing touch of icing on the cake dosages 20-40mg

    superdrol one for the gods and a drug that will truly transform your look glycogen overload inside the muscles with none outside on the skin this one is a true game changer and can make you look 15lbs bigger I like this one dosage 20-40mg

    anavar many think a girly horomone but provides and nice fullness but not quite on anadrol superdrol level but still a nice drug that can give a specific look nice surface veins dosages 50-100mg

    ai usage this one is abused more than it’s needed me I choose one and that’s letro easiest too control estrogen levels even with a rebound effect it’s the one I like and especially too get the driest you want thin skin dryness right no estro moosh this is it dosage 2.5mg 3x per week to 2.5mg everyday

    fat burners the drugs too shift a lazy metabolism into a hot fat burning muscle building machine you’ve got the hormones working too protect the muscles and even growing into condition now to help chop into that blubber

    T3 thyroid drug used too raise metabolic rate more you take more metabolism is hiegahtand but can lead into muscle loss and extreme flatness weak workouts this one you need too match your protein to the dosage of t3 you take so that the rate of protein turnover isn’t lost and the nitrogen effect is held but dosages of this hormone 50-100mcg

    T4 ​thyroid horomone
    Like t3 isn’t as catabolic to muscle it works better with hgh and the body uses what it needs a combo of the both works very well and dosages of this horomone 50-100mcg

    Clenbuterol one I’m not the biggest fan of but it’s sure used abused by many and will help towards that dry grainy physique you keep looking in that mirror seeing daily weekly changes the dosage of this one 40-120mcg

    Dnp you bet it works it’s good that if doesn’t effect the heart it purely targets fat mass and burns through carbohydrates not catabolic but if used wrongly you’ll regret it the heat on this one is deadly but used safely and a specific time can set you up for one of the best rebounds into a growth phase later on that.. dosages of this horomone 200-400mg

    ephedrine gets you dryer leaner better than clenbuterol gives you the energy too kill workouts and blunts your hunger perfect when your pushing the food down and output is at its highest this is a wonder drug for burning fat but giving you a dryer look dosages 30-80mg

    diuretics yes these are used you need too know your differences with potassium sparing and none potassium sparing diuretics this one I feel isn’t needed now as we have ai usage too get estrogen moosh of us that they never used too have leading to fatal death and extreme cramping if it’s a must the night before half a 25mg diazide tablet

    Insulin fast acting the game changer to monster physique this hormone when used rightly timed even through out a diet phase will keep you big full while torching fat depending when we’re they carbohydrate meals are this tool is used some use it on high days I prefer through out a diet dosage depending on carbohydrate intake 5-80iu

    Human growth horomone
    Hgh the drug that gives you 3D delts and roundness you wouldn’t have if you didn’t use this one burns fat bulk or cut it’s the one that changes you the longer you use this is the one that costs the most but gives you a 3D look nothing else does dosages 8-20iu

    l carnitine another tool that works greatly but you need to inject this tablet form will not work ideally with carbs or without morning cardio or pre workout dosage 100mg 1ml everyday

    There’s a few more things we can bring into this but the basic plan too bring you to the biggest freakish guy in your gym this the blueprint too giving you the look you want and the dosages that will bring that

    Last edited by DarrenW29; 02-07-2022 at 06:21 PM.

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