We started the prep, my 4th competition to date, and also my 4th competition with MTS.

For the first phase of the prep, we want to add some fullness while cutting.

The picture was from day 1 of the prep.

Cycle will be:

Week 1 to 4:
•Susta: 125mg EOD
•Tren E: 75mg ED
•Boldenone: 250mg ED
•Superdrol: 20mg ED (week 1-2), 30mg ED (week 3-4)
•Primo: 100mg ED
•HGH: 2iu x 3 times per day
•Insulin: 5iu morning / 5iu pre workout
•Arimidex: 0.5mg E3D

Week 5 to 9:
•Susta: 125mg EOD
•Tren E: 100mg ED
•Boldenone: 250mg ED
•Primo: 100mg ED
•Masteron: 100mg ED
•HGH: 2iu x 4 times per day
•Insulin: 5iu morning / 5iu pre workout
•Anavar: 60mg ED (from week 8 depending on liver value from blood work)
•Proviron: 12,5mg ED
•Arimidex: 0.5mg E3D

Week 10 to 12:
•Winstrol: 40mg ED
•Anavar: 40mg ED
•Halo: 20mg ED
•Tren: 100mg ED
•Masteron: 100mg ED
•Proviron: 25mg ED
•Letrozole: (will depend)

Started at 94kg