Roughly 12% BF

So I'm looking for some advice/opinions on my 3rd cycle. I've been on 150-200mg test E after coming off my last cycle for about 10 weeks now. It was a 14 week cycle but around weeks 12-14 my blood pressure started to get extremely high. Since coming off and running a small dose of the test it's back down to normal. I was running the following each week:

900mg test e
600mg deca
500mg boldenone
50mg dianabol weeks 1-4
.5mg arimidex eod while on dianabol then as needed after I cut out the dbol

Was eating a minimum of 5000 calories a day about 250-300g protein and the same with carbs. Mostly oatmeal with peanut butter in the morning. A high carb protein shake for a snack. PBJ for lunch on working days and chicken or fish with some vegetables on weekends. Dinner was usually chicken and fish with some kind of pasta.

I'm thinking about running the same cycle again without the dbol but with my blood pressure as high as it was my question is should I run the same dosages again but cut the cycle to 10 weeks or would I get better results by cutting the dosages and extending my cycle to 12-14 weeks. I'm looking to bulk but would rather not take dianabol or any orals again they just don't agree with me and the side effects I got from dbol just aren't worth it to me. Also got some labs done right when I ended my cycle and again this week and other than high bp everything else is good.

Also thinking of maybe adding tren to this next cycle and starting off with a small dose to see how it effects me and just go from there. If I don't need to add the tren please feel free to let me know.

Like I said my goal is to bulk. I started fooling around with gear about a year ago but had no idea what I was doing and just went off advice from friends. Ran test for 12 weeks then came off with a pct and literally lost ALL of my gains and then some more. Doing a trt with the low dose of test has kept my size up this time around and I've even been making some small gains.

Any advice is appreciated and if anyone has had the same issue with blood pressure I'd like to know if you made any adjustments and how it worked out for you. Thanks!!!