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Thread: Best steroid for drying/hardening quickly? (4 week period)

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    Best steroid for drying/hardening quickly? (4 week period)

    Hi guys,

    I am currently running Big N Full at 2ml ew, 0.5mg adex e3d and 50mg of anapolon ed.

    I am starting to gain slowly and the equipoise hasn't kicked in yet as I'm only just coming into the third week.

    However I am planning on going on holiday to Sunny Beach in Bulgaria around the 10-15th of August (so about 5/6 weeks away?) and am wondering what you think is the best compound to dry/harden up quickly? I would prefer a injectable as I'm already taking an oral and don't really want to mix different orals. I have seen the Lean extreme, tren a, lean n mean products etc but wondering which would be the best to use for a period of 4 weeks before going? Or should I just wait until the equipoise kicks in?

    I will be running the Big N Full throughout until October and will stop the anapolons approx. one week before going away (so it would be 6 weeks).
    Last edited by h0rsey; 07-03-2015 at 10:44 AM.

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