Hi - bit of waffle below but I'm a newbie so forgive me.

Started my first cycle 3 days ago - initially intended to just do test to see the impact but would be interested to add to it.

Considering anavar to aid with fat burning. Keen to minimise side effects also so will get Armidex, in my pre cycle blood work I was in normal bounds for everything but prolactin was on the higher side of normal.

Current cycle plan: Test E 300mg split into 2 doses per week, started on a slightly lower dose of 250mg for the first week to see if there are any immediate side effects. Will run it for 16 weeks.

Would appreciate any views on: either sticking with Test E, adding anavar (or clen/winstrol) to cut whilst adding muscle and anything else (thoughts on HCG?) which could help bulk up and take my strength / physique up a notch (deadlift 165kg for 3, would like to get over 200kg).

Curious also to know if you keep up diet and exercise are there formulas where the results stick around longer or is this something you would run every so often (annually?)?

Specific question on Armidex (or alternative), should I wait for side effects before taking or is it best to pre-empt aromatisation effects?

Finally in terms of site rotation, a friend said hamstrings (from the side just below the femur) works too but I don't see this mentioned (only quads and glutes) curious what you do? Glutes is my go to as it's easy to avoid vitals.

Any general advice you have too is very welcome, you know like mistakes to avoid or reality of side effects / how to mitigate and any other info on anything you suggest.

General info
Height: 173CM
Weight: 77KG
Body Fat: 15%
How many calories per day do you eat?: 2,350kcal (175G protein, 304g carbs, 90g fat) - strict on protein, fat and carbs I aim for but if I have more of one I cut the other to hit kcal goal.
How many times per week do you train?: 3-4 lift days with 5k runs on off days (running is a recent development hence the 15% body fat). Marathon once a year.
How long have you trained for?: 5 years
Previous cycle experience?: None
Desired goals: lean physique plus mass gain - fat reduction to ~10% would be a great outcome
Other: Sedentary job (desk work) so minimal exercise outside of specified activities, had been getting about 5 hours sleep a night until last year due to crazy long work days. Now sleeping 6-7 hours a night.