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Thread: Causes and Solutions to PIP problems

  1. #41
    Do you offer switch spot injection bro?

  2. #42
    Was using the test e for about a year or so, never had any issues. quite liked the the stuff. i was only really using it at a therapeutic, trt dose as i'm getting older. however about six months ago i stopped. i had gotten an order and when i finally began to use the gear from my new order, the next day it would feel like i had been kicked in the ass by a horse. and it would feel like that for several days. thought it was fluke, and switche dto a different cheek only for it to happen again. found an older vial and used that everything was fine. when it ran out, i went back to the stuff that made me sore thinking i would know for sure if it was this different bactch or whatever that was the problem. again, it would always feel like that ass cheek had been kicked by a horse. told a buddy of mine that put me on to mts and he said i must be pinning wrong. but now, just the other day he calls me and says him and his gym bro are having the same issue.

    at the time i was hesitant to post and complain because i was a new customer and idk i didn't want to be seen as trying to take advantage cuz idk how would i ever prove something like that? but now that i've heard it from two other friends i'd like to at least put it out there because mts seems liek a solid company and would probably want to identify any issues. no hard feelings but i've been off the shit for a minute and it really sucks. anyone else have this or have advice?

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by trapnasty View Post
    Was using the test e for about a year or so, never had any issues. quite liked the the stuff. i was only really using it at a therapeutic, trt dose as i'm getting older. however about six months ago i stopped. i had gotten an order and when i finally began to use the gear from my new order, the next day it would feel like i had been kicked in the ass by a horse. and it would feel like that for several days. thought it was fluke, and switche dto a different cheek only for it to happen again. found an older vial and used that everything was fine. when it ran out, i went back to the stuff that made me sore thinking i would know for sure if it was this different bactch or whatever that was the problem. again, it would always feel like that ass cheek had been kicked by a horse. told a buddy of mine that put me on to mts and he said i must be pinning wrong. but now, just the other day he calls me and says him and his gym bro are having the same issue.

    at the time i was hesitant to post and complain because i was a new customer and idk i didn't want to be seen as trying to take advantage cuz idk how would i ever prove something like that? but now that i've heard it from two other friends i'd like to at least put it out there because mts seems liek a solid company and would probably want to identify any issues. no hard feelings but i've been off the shit for a minute and it really sucks. anyone else have this or have advice?
    Do you wipe the bottle with alcohol wipes before pulling the product into the serynge ?

    Do you have other bottle on hand you can use?

    Did you tried to email MTS?

    I’ve been using MTS since 2017, I had this issue once, MTS fixed it.

    This type stuff can happen, it is very rare with such a good brand, but can happen

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