Hi guys,

First up anyone that wants to know what I have been doing last 3 months see my comeback thread but to give you an idea of what I have been doing see below

MTS test 400 average dose 1000mg/wk
MTS EQ max average dose 750mg/wk

started out at 92kg with around I guess 25% bf and I wanted to re-comp but got ended up turning it into a bulk cycle with average diet and no cardio. I had a DEXA scan last week and results as follows

Weight 98kg @ 167cm
BF 24.6%
Lean mass 71.5kg
Fat mass 24kg

so from my calculations I but on 6kg of weight with no increase in bf. So safe to say put about 4kg of lost muscle back.

Must say this is not what I wanted to achieve so I sort some advise from MR B and Big D and after taking their advise they have both agreed I am too fat and need to focus on getting my bf to low teens.

Body re-comp started 12/10/2015

MT 200 1ml EOD
EQ MAX 2ml/wk
T3 20mcg ED
MTS hgh 3iu ED
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Dostinex 500mcg/wk

I know I have no test in the above cycle but I would like the test 400 to cycle out of my body over the next 3 weeks to get rid of bloat and if need I will add some test prop to the cycle. Got dostinex in as I have some prolactin issues not bad but now with tren in will need it. AI in to address bloat and T3 to support fat loss and will add more if needed as I go.

carb cycling 3 low 1 high
low day
2100 cals
200g protein
150g carbs
80g fat

high day
add 250g of carbs

20mins morning or post workout

20mins in the evening

5 days on 2 days off

Over all goal is to re-comp get bf to 12% and then set my sights on a show in 2016

Been their and done it all before it is just getting the mind set to do it but after my dexa scan that was enough motivation to get my butt into action.

I will post more details and put a pick up to show you all were I am starting from and list how my diet is laid out.

Diet wise I get my carbs at breakfast and pre/post workout only and load carbs every meal on high days