Hi guys,

An up date on my re-comp

I dropped all compounds about 3 weeks ago and hit PCT hard as I felt I had reached a sticking point.

3 x 5000iu of HCG every 3rd day
4 x 2500iu of HCG every other day plus 100mg of clomid added last 5 days of HCG shots

Now I am at the point of taking clomid 50mg with 40mg nov for next 5 days

then 5 days of clomid 50mg with 20mg nov

then finish on nov 20mg for last 10 days.

That will be the end of PCT and from there I will add some support supplements to hold the gains. I am getting these support supplements from wickedsupplements.com.au

Then after I feel fresh will be hitting it again and start to prep for my show.

@ 94kg with improved shape and size bf if dropping I guess maybe around 15-17% now but the goal is still to hit sub 12% and try to keep my bw above 90kg

Training is just basic compound movements now and I will also add some cardio to my workout days. Over all happy with progress will get a dexa scan after xmas to see where I am at but for now all sweet.

I will post a pic up so you guys can compare how I looked before re-comp begain when I was a fat fuck ha! ha!
