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Thread: Blast and Cruise- Help first time cycle advise

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  1. #1

    Blast and Cruise- Help first time cycle advise

    Hello MTS Elders,

    since I've never taken steroids before, I wanted to start off with something, that can give me decent gains, with the least side effects, so my body can adapt easier and wanted to feel good on training days.

    Current Blast:

    Test En- 700mg/week
    Epistane 45mg/ED


    150g -200g Proteins
    200g- 300g Carbs
    3g Fish Oil
    3g HMB
    3g Vitamin C
    Cycle/Liver support.

    Stats now:


    It's been 3 weeks now, I gainer 15lbs, strenght and libido skyrocketed, never felt better in my life, being a natty for 10 years.

    I had planned to take Test for 12 weeks and Epistane for 6 weeks, cruise for 6-8 weeks, then start a Test En/Tren Ace cycle. Learning more, as time goes on, I've have been wondering, If I should proceed, as I planned it out or maybe add something or even prolonge the blast, because I feel like there is more gains I'll be missing out on. Should I maybe increase the test or introduce the tren ace sooner. I don't want to get crazy though, cuz of the side effects, since my body is basically "virgin" to steroids. Maybe I can share some pics.

    Thank you a lot!

  2. #2
    Keep doing what your doing.dont increase dosages this is your first time for gods sake you've already made tremendous gains.its what you keep from your gains is the most important so concentrate on increasing your calories slowly and the weight and intensity of your for 8 weeks max then do some pct don't do blast and cruise and don't take TREN ace there's no need this early say you feel good well that is rare in this game and when you start experimenting with more products and higher dosages that's when possibly the feel good factor subsides even though you don't tell yourself that!!
    You convince yourself otherwise but trust me soon as you start loosing your sleep for an example you will soon notice there are also negatives along with the positives in what your doing.

    Remember this game is a marathon,not a sprint,and look after your health without it you've got nothing!!

  3. #3
    Thank you for paying attention to a pleb like me, I think you're right. But I still think I should blast&cruise people think, that it's much better than getting off completely, but what do I know, we'll see. And just to say few words, I think i'm really lucky to find a high quality brand, unstead paying a lot of money to a guy I found in the ghetto.

    Respects to MTS!

    Blast and Cruise- Help first time cycle advise-imag0054-jpg

  4. #4
    Don't put yourself down,you've got a good base to work from.if your adamant you want to cruise do so,4-6 weeks at 1ml of test every 7-10days.
    Must give yourself 8-12 weeks what your doing though as your first course is always your best in my opinion.
    Only other thing I would do is do a 4week on 2week off with your epi to get the best out of it.

    Don't rush things and be very selective who's information you take on board,alot out there haven't got a clue what there on about.They just read or have been told what they should do.nothings set in stone in this game just a few basic principles to stick by to help you try and achieve what your set out to do.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGDADDY View Post
    Don't put yourself down,you've got a good base to work from.if your adamant you want to cruise do so,4-6 weeks at 1ml of test every 7-10days.
    Must give yourself 8-12 weeks what your doing though as your first course is always your best in my opinion.
    Only other thing I would do is do a 4week on 2week off with your epi to get the best out of it.

    Don't rush things and be very selective who's information you take on board,alot out there haven't got a clue what there on about.They just read or have been told what they should do.nothings set in stone in this game just a few basic principles to stick by to help you try and achieve what your set out to do.
    I think you're right. I'm going to go on for 12 weeks, settle down for 4-6 weeks, gonna get my bloodwork and see how my body feels. There's no rush, gonna decide what comes after during the cruise.

    Thanks for putting my mind at ease, it helps a lot, since you're deciding for yourself and don't want to fuck up big time.

  6. #6
    I would prolong your current blast to say 20 weeks so you can stack on a good amount of muscle, don't jump on tren early, it's a mistake many people do (myself included), tren conditions you good but you'll be disappointed if you think it'll make you look like a freak, it won't if you don't have the underlying muscle and tren is very harsh on general wellbeing (mood/sleep/hunger). What AI or SERM are you taking to control oestrogen?

  7. #7
    I got in Arimidex here, but I'm looking for Aromasin. Thanks for advice.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Hello everyone,

    I just came here to share 1st cycle experience and show how happy I am with my results.

    When I started started my cycle I gained 20Lbs overall, I took my last Epistane pill 2 weeks ago and since then I lost about 5Lbs of water, I got leaner, now my goal is to keep the gains. I'm gonna take 700mg of Test En for 2 weeks, then cruise for 4weeks, since I want to start my second blast in February. I feel great physically, never experience lethargy, back pains or high BP, only the mental side effects were a bit unbearable with Epistane, after the 3rd pill in the evening, I felt like on cocaine, it was craziest feeling end mental state, it felt like i was ready for a battle with axes amongst vikings or bust nuts for 10hours straight.

    Blast and Cruise- Help first time cycle advise-imag0174-1-jpg

    The quality is kinda bad, sorry, maybe upload another one next year.

    Thanks for support!

  10. #10
    You look great mate,it's worked well for you

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