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Thread: Lean bomb (50 tabs / 100mg)

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  1. #29
    I am unable to inject myself due to the rules of my current living situation. I am looking to diet now for 4-6 weeks using Lyle McDonald's RFLD, which I have done several times in the past with great success. I am on Sustanon @ 125mg/week for TRT and currently this must be administered by a nurse who comes every week. I plan to use T3 @ 50mg/day along with 20mg/day Albuterol and 20mg/day Yohimbine. Other than that, I will be following the diet as outlined. Depending on how I feel I may increase these to 75mg/30mg/30mg however I don't think this will be necessary to drop the amount of fat I need to get me back on track for my comp in September.

    Due to the addition of T3 in this short cycle, I would like to increase my test dosage to 400mg/week however, as stated above, I do not wish to keep needles, syringes, sharps box etc. in my quarters as I am not willing to risk holding them covertly.

    Would Lean Bomb be suitable to run alongside? As I am looking only to preserve muscle/strength rather than gain, I was thinking of half a tab a day. I preserve most of my muscle mass on this diet and all of my strength (give or take a rep or two) using this diet on 125mg/test alone however I know from experience how T3 can strip muscle which is why I'm keeping the dose of it moderate.

    This is a very low calorie diet however, to reiterate, I have done it before without T3/Alb/Yoh and didn't need any additional anabolics to maintain size/strength. Would 50mg Lean Bomb suffice to offset the muscle wasting effect of T3 in your opinion?
    Last edited by dhbirchall; 01-12-2018 at 04:05 PM.

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