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Thread: Hard and Lean topped up with Duo Tren x2 weekly would it work?

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    Hard and Lean topped up with Duo Tren x2 weekly would it work?

    Hi All,

    My Base is currently 1ml Monday and Friday of Hard and Lean which is 200mg test tren and mast a week. I am wanting to increase the tren a little, could I top it up with duo tren (50mg tren a and 100mg tren e)? 0.5ml added to the Monday Friday injections or would this cause me issues as the ace will be in and out of the system before the second injection on Friday..i was hoping the solid base of tren e should mean it doesn't affect me much but I don't know. any thoughts? as this would allow me to do 350/200/200 for the week.

    if not, I will just have to get a tren e bottle and up to 400 and hope the sides are not too bad, don't really want to increase the injection amount

    Last edited by eggy790; 02-24-2016 at 09:46 AM.

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