Just made my very first order with MTS and i´m more than happy with it. Excellent quality and service!

But to my question:

MTS has got a Trestolone Inject (and in the shredded blend as well) -fantastic Compound i think- but what

about a 1-Testosteron (Dihydroboldenone) Inject? I had an 1-Testosteron Product 2 years ago from a dutch Lab and it was simply great. Really never looked better in this time. Sadly this lab
has gone and since that it´s nearly impossible to get a DHB Inject.

1-Testosteron is a kind of better Primobolan (Super-Primo, doesnt aromatise, very useful for contest prep...is there a chance that MTS could bring out a 1-Test product?

Interesting Article from Mike Arnold about Trestolone and 1-Test on Ironmagazine:
