- Welcome to the MTS community of serious athletes!!
- Newsletter - 11 Jan 2015
- Proviron (25mg x 20) added to our inventory
- ALL STEALTH ORDERS will be dispatched on Mondays only!!
- T3 has now been added to the inventory
- Account suspensions and bannings
- NEW HIGH DOSED ORAL TABLETS - Anavar, Dbol, Oxy, Stana, Tbol
- Be aware of fakes
- Newsletter - 12 Feb 2015
- New Scammer Added - Joseph Frazier from PHOENIX, Arizona
- Email address issues - anonymousspeech.com
- PRICE LIST - not visible to the public
- £100 minimum orders starting from 1-April 2015
- DISCOUNT COUPONS - can I use multiple discount coupons at the same time?
- STEALTH UPDATE - important news
- No new orders until 13/3/2015
- Delivery Trial - Correcting delayed delivery issues
- New Scammer - Daniel Pearson of 512 Poppy Lane Yuba City, California, 95993
- No deliveries on 3-April and 6-April 2015
- LAST CHANCE - No More Stealth **** MUST READ
- Monster 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre
- Restrictions for USA customers - Stealth Shipping
- New STEALTH packaging - feedback wanted
- Resellers, your own brand
- Breaking News - April 2015 - The legendary "HALOTESTIN" is back!!
- Delivery delays expected this week
- Bank Holiday Monday 4 May - no deliveries
- CURRENT - OUT OF STOCK - as of 8/JULY/2016
- NEW PRODUCTS - Nolvadex and Levothryoxine (For Thyroid)
- NEW PRODUCT - Organon Pregnyl 5000iu HCG
- Western Australia Customers ONLY
- Potential order delays this week of 22/6/2015
- No deliveries until Monday 29/6/15
- iPhone and Safari users - cannot log in
- Fakes - Warning
- MTS does not call the post office in your own country for you
- Failure to pay within 48 hours = ban
- New Product - Helios (40mcg CLEN and 5mg Yohimbe @ 10ML)
- No deliveries on Monday the 31st due to bank holiday
- MTS Holiday Break Sept 4 - 9 (Fri - Wed)
- no link sent to pay through paypal
- People with reading disabilities
- Testosterone Suspension
- Check out our DAILY DEALS .... Daily discounts.... LIMITED
- SCAMMER: RAUL from Israel (banned member of a private internet forum)
- FAKE ALERT - HONG KONG - scammer - Kwong Sun Andy Wong 黃燊
- NEW PRODUCT - Epistane 15mg
- NEW PRODUCT - Norditropin 45IU 15mg/1.5ml
- NEW PRODUCT - Winstrol 50mg/10ml
- SCAMMER - James Pascarelli of Long Beach, NY
- End of line clearance
- New Security System - Authenticity Check
- WHOLESALE DISCOUNT - starting from 5x10ml @ 20% off
- DISPATCH HOLIDAY NOTICE - Away from 19th to 23rd November
- The "Christmas Time scammer"
- READ >> December dispatch slowness
- Derek Smith - Cheshire UK - SCAMMER
- IMPORTANT UPDATE - Tracking Numbers
- CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY closure 18-12-2015 to 1-1-2016.
- STEALTH OILS last day for 2015
- DAILY DEALS - stopped for remainder of 2015.
- First week back 2016 - order dispatch details
- IU
- New products - British Dispensary, Body Research, LA Pharma etc... - stealth only
- NEW - STEALTH OILS added (100% discreet packaging)
- No deliveries - GOOD FRIDAY 25/3 and EASTER MONDAY 28/3
- SCAMMER - Tayler Smith - 129 Richmond Park Road Bournemouth
- EUROPE vs. INTERNATIONAL product range
- Supplment sponsorship
- All new customers are entitled to a FREE VIAL ** UPDATED LIST **
- Discreet packaging
- BANNED - classic and fastest way to get banned
- Khie Biggs - ignorant dumb arse
- Early May bank holiday - NO DELIVERY 2-MAY-2016
- New MTS Product - MODAFINIL 200mg
- 15 PRODUCTS selection
- Bank Holiday 30-MAY - no deliveries for european line
- MID-YEAR holiday break - NO EUROPEAN range orders 8-17TH JUNE
- Scammer - OVIDIJUS MONTRIMAS 31/5/16
- No website address change
- Database issues
- Deca 300
- Server problems
- Brexit and what will be...
- HERE WE GO AGAIN.... warning to those that have reading disabilities
- Official Domain Change - MED-TE.CH
- I tested the DECA 300mg and the result is.....
- Got test results for Primo Depot = 100.7 mg/mL
- EQUI-MAX results = 515.4 mg/ML
- Thanks to MTS for alot of free goodies!
- HALO 25MG - to be discontinued - final stock
- New Pharmaceutical Grade HGH - Bioscience BIOTROPIN 45iu cartridge
- Bank holiday 29/8
- Official domains of Med-Tech Solutions
- Scammer Damien Lloyd and the authentication system
- Stealth orders from EURO range on hold until 19-Sept
- Bioscience - Pharmaceutical Range - Official Distributor
- DDoS attack - service interruption
- Muscle Juice Malaysia - Official Distributor for Malaysia
- Out of stock - update - 29 NOV 2017
- People who post bad things
- Holiday Notice December 2016
- Search tool is working again
- Lab test results - Bioscience and MTS Primo
- Recruiting reps
- Lab Report - MTS Tren Acetate 100mg
- New Product - International Trestolone Acetate 50mg
- International Range - No deliveries 30-31 Jan
- Need my products checking to see if authentic
- New domain https://med-tech.so
- No gb prices..just euros
- Discontinued products 28-Feb-17
- NEW PRODUCT - International - Cabergoline (20X1MG) - CABASER PFIZER
- MTS Team Malaysia
- Introducing MTS staff - GODZILLA
- MTS Sponsored athletes
- Getting Ripped With MTS
- Get a free t-shirt!
- Skrill - payment option
- If you weren't satisfied tell us, if you were tell all your friends!
- Easter Holiday Break - 2017 NOTICE
- Reports of Fake Gear being sold
- Bioscience catalogue
- MTS: GH 15 Top Sponsor
- Favorite MTS Product?
- New dutch subforum
- Nice to see
- Malaysian Fakes
- May bank holiday - NO DELIVERY 1-MAY-2017
- Discontinued products 11-May-17
- 23 May HALF DAY - Out of Action (MR BIG)
- Halo - no labels 24/5
- UK bank holiday - 29/5
- DISCOUNTS - can I use multiple discount coupons and points at the same time?
- EURO - no deliveries 8-June
- SCAMMER - TOMAS KEHL from West Yorkshire UK
- Member of the month
- Become a MTS rep
- Test E 200 EQ 200 blend Batch 008
- Fake T-shirt
- Mts.Gear & Godzilla feedback
- 4th of July!
- Mohammed Asad is a scammer from Manchester
- International range delivery delays for 6 days in July
- New mts product: Tudca
- Short delay for orders on 13-14 July
- Security and mts summer promo
- EURO RANGE - no deliveries 14-Aug to 14-Sep
- EURO RANGE: Open for Orders
- UK bank holiday - 28/8
- There is no INTERNATIONAL range for the time being
- International orders: customers from Australia, New Zealand and Canada
- Important update 25th sept: Stealth Orders
- Shipping Update: 10-11 October
- login bug to merton.gov.uk
- Semi-Finished Oils and Raw Powders
- NEW MTS PROMO: MTS Gym Bag plus 2 free oils!
- Delivery notice
- Order Delivery Update: 6th of November
- Asking for tracking #'s and sending emails every 10 minutes
- Xmas recommended ordering dates
- Great customer service
- Mts xmas promotion!
- Juice pal line?
- Merry Christmas
- Insulin Novolin R pre workout
- Free product exclusions
- Happy 2018!
- 2nd January: Orders update and improvements
- Order experience
- Bulk Bomb
- Warning - Counterfeit and copies from other resellers
- UK Test E ETA
- Request to stock these products for summer....
- New pharma products in stock
- Med blend 450
- Email problems
- March 1st update: no shipping today
- Important: New contact email
- Package
- Tbol and Stanavar restock ?
- Delivery delays for some orders
- Expecting super fast replies and multiple emails
- Primo 200 restock ?
- Australian scammer - Jason Mckeown from Hobart
- Shipping update: 30th of March
- Shipping update: 5th to 10th of April
- Eroids Review
- Shipping update: 7th of may 2018
- EURO Warehouse Delivery Process
- Out of stock - update - 2 AUG 2018
- 50% discount on TEST-E until end of month
- Stuff arrived today.....
- MTS medtropin back in stock
- New- help needed
- Securenym.net down
- Mts july promo
- Short delay in EU warehouse deliveries
- August TEST-E and TREN-A sale 50% discount
- Introduction - New Staff member RUSSIAN STRONGMAN
- Sponsored atheletes needed - write reviews and logs
- Slowness this week for deliveries 3-sep
- Site maintenance for the next day or so
- Support Email
- New domain names
- OCTOBER COUPON - valid for 1 more week until 19th OCT
- Points being deducted
- Another fake
- 50 free points for XMAS
- Promotion
- Another order arrived
- Promotion
- Promotion
- Deliveries during XMAS and NEW YEAR period
- Christmas and New Year email slowness
- Points
- Communication
- Restock bulk bombs
- Arrived without vars
- Stealth shipping to Australia?
- Poor communications & missing items
- server issues
- ?
- Need options/coming off test
- Discount
- GREAT promotion now - SUMMER PRODUCTS
- Missing labels for some new tablets
- Pct +
- Buying from multiple warehouses at the same time
- Bulk Bombs - Gone!!
- good for MTS shit for me..
- New Customer Offer
- Primo 200
- UK Bank holiday Friday and Monday
- Free pct anavar
- MTS NEW PROMO: each order for FREE: 1 Anavar + 2 Test E
- Dhb
- MTS PROMOTION (ending 5th of June 2019)
- Raloxifene
- NEW PROMO: 20% off oils + 2 free oils of choice!
- Price changes from time to time
- Dbol/Anadrol
- Adam Watts - scammer from Cornwall
- Brandon Harding uses MTS