View Full Version : Hi Guys, I ve fail two years of competition in row...

06-14-2016, 06:40 AM
I've started take juice since 2015 Jan. and I lost for two years cause of the same problem.

my upperbody and lowerbody s condition are different

heres my cycle

TP 300mg
Masteron 200mg
Tren A 200mg
primo 300mg
Anavar 50mg ed

week 9-12
TP 300 mg
mas 300 mg
Tren a 300mg
primo 400mg
winstol 50 mg eod
anavar 50mg ed
clen 80mg ed

I can upload my photos if anyone interested523

06-14-2016, 12:19 PM
Why don't you run

week 1-12
400mgs of tren ace weekly
400mgs of test prop weekly
400mgs of Masteron weekly
350mgs of Anavar weekly
350mgs of winstrol weekly (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
25mcgs T3 daily
50mcgs T4 daily
60mcgs Clen daily (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
8 IUs HGH daily (4iu AM 4 iu before bed)

06-14-2016, 01:33 PM
Dear Sir
I m new to bodybuilding. i start to take juice since 2015 jan.
willing to learn more, and i ve bought mts stuff from fd and wanna try it.
I ve bought nan test, eq test, Big n full

06-14-2016, 02:16 PM
Why don't you run

week 1-12
400mgs of tren ace weekly
400mgs of test prop weekly
400mgs of Masteron weekly
350mgs of Anavar weekly
350mgs of winstrol weekly (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
25mcgs T3 daily
50mcgs T4 daily
60mcgs Clen daily (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
8 IUs HGH daily (4iu AM 4 iu before bed)

any suggestion abt using big n full for bulk?

06-14-2016, 03:07 PM
First of all KarmaHKSAR, write your stats, age, weight, %body fat, if you cruise and blast or blast and pct.
People will answer you asap!

Second, for the god sake! You have a really nice condition!

You should evaluate to bulk with HGH, SLIN, TEST DECA EQUIPOISE.
I'm not that experienced on this kind of things... you have to ask to PREMIUM MEMBERS (MrBig etc etc)

06-14-2016, 03:10 PM
First of all KarmaHKSAR, write your stats, age, weight, %body fat, if you cruise and blast or blast and pct.
People will answer you asap!

Second, for the god sake! You have a really nice condition!

You should evaluate to bulk with HGH, SLIN, TEST DECA EQUIPOISE.
I'm not that experienced on this kind of things... you have to ask to PREMIUM MEMBERS (MrBig etc etc)

thank you Sir, but my upperbody gave me cancer

Im age 25
competing 75kgs below
164cm bodyfat 17% at the moment 85KGS

06-15-2016, 10:53 AM
Well then we have to stick to the basics m8... before bulking you have to cut to single digit bf, 6% then go up lean and then cut for your competition.

You should diet, take AAS and fatburners

T3: 50-100mcgs ed
Clen: 20-160mcg ed
Cardio and WO: Cardio 20-45 min 3-4 days ew when not doing WO
CALS: not less than 1700 with at least 175g of proteins, with a carb recharge every 2 weeks the first month then every week.
AAS: (1ml Lean Gain + 0,5ml Tren A) eod (pin in same siringe) it's something like 175mg Test P 450 TrenA 250 MastP ew,
AI: 0,5 adex eod + 0.5 cabergoline ew or Jumex/Deprenyl 5-10mg eod or Pramipexole start superlow taper it to 1mg ed
HGH: imho is better used for growing, but 4iu ED (2iu am - 2iu before bed or WO if you feel tired) are ok

All this will be enough to cut to single digit.
Don't use superdose of AAS for cut, i did it and failed, money wasted, and less fat lost.
If you have problems sleeping do only Lean Gain, and skip the added Tren. Sleep is more important than everything else.

Diet have to be clean you can try Palumbo Keto diet.... 0 carbs 250 prots 85 fats with recharge of carbs (250c 250p 41f) every week. First 4weeks don't recharge.
If everything goes well you won't see a single kg less on scale and all fat will be converted to muscle ;) not bad? :D

06-15-2016, 11:25 AM
Well then we have to stick to the basics m8... before bulking you have to cut to single digit bf, 6% then go up lean and then cut for your competition.

You should diet, take AAS and fatburners

T3: 50-100mcgs ed
Clen: 20-160mcg ed
Cardio and WO: Cardio 20-45 min 3-4 days ew when not doing WO
CALS: not less than 1700 with at least 175g of proteins, with a carb recharge every 2 weeks the first month then every week.
AAS: (1ml Lean Gain + 0,5ml Tren A) eod (pin in same siringe) it's something like 175mg Test P 450 TrenA 250 MastP ew,
AI: 0,5 adex eod + 0.5 cabergoline ew or Jumex/Deprenyl 5-10mg eod or Pramipexole start superlow taper it to 1mg ed
HGH: imho is better used for growing, but 4iu ED (2iu am - 2iu before bed or WO if you feel tired) are ok

All this will be enough to cut to single digit.
Don't use superdose of AAS for cut, i did it and failed, money wasted, and less fat lost.
If you have problems sleeping do only Lean Gain, and skip the added Tren. Sleep is more important than everything else.

Diet have to be clean you can try Palumbo Keto diet.... 0 carbs 250 prots 85 fats with recharge of carbs (250c 250p 41f) every week. First 4weeks don't recharge.
If everything goes well you won't see a single kg less on scale and all fat will be converted to muscle ;) not bad? :D

any idea of bulking? my next competition will be in next year

06-18-2016, 10:22 AM
any idea of bulking? my next competition will be in next year

Bulking is a matter of taking a combo of test, deca, dbol, insulin, hgh.... that's the bread and butter and it's what gets results for everyone. Insulin is important.

06-19-2016, 06:38 AM
Bulking is a matter of taking a combo of test, deca, dbol, insulin, hgh.... that's the bread and butter and it's what gets results for everyone. Insulin is important.

if i cant afford HGH, only running insulin will it be a waste?