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View Full Version : Ready for new Lean bulk cycle after cruise

07-15-2016, 02:52 PM
Hi guys
Ι am 185cm 74kg (after cut from 85) with 4,5bf% Dexa scan 68,4 kg lean body mass.Now I up my kcal so to 3,880/day and after August ( i Up it much more) I finished nebido and jump in to bulk cycle aiming to make lean as possible gains.
About gear
Oral for kickstart Turinavar 25mgVar/25mgTbol

Νan-Test 20ml (200mg Test -200Deca per ml)
Νpp40ml (100mg/ml)
3 dostinex for prolactin
1 pack Letro
2 packs arimedex
This is my first run for 19nor .

I train 4 times a week and I have 3 cardio sessions Hiit (23min).
What do you suggest me from your experience about cycle ?

07-15-2016, 02:59 PM
4.5% body fat!!

Amazing. Bet you must look insane.

How on earth do you maintain 4.5% on a cruise for any period of time? Crazy.

Everyone here should ask you for advice!

07-15-2016, 05:28 PM
4.5% body fat!!

Amazing. Bet you must look insane.

How on earth do you maintain 4.5% on a cruise for any period of time? Crazy.

Everyone here should ask you for advice!
Here you are as a proof just cover my name:cool:

everything is possible with hard work, strict diet , legit Gear and maybe good genetics(?)530
I don't use Tren in my life... , last cycle Test/EQ 15 weeks and at the end 50mg/day Winny last 4 WEEKS

07-15-2016, 05:45 PM
That's ridiculous

07-15-2016, 05:47 PM
If you ran tren you'd be like...

-4.5% body fat

Try tren

You deserve it

You could use 50 mg ED on your bulk and put so much lbm on

07-15-2016, 06:03 PM
If you ran tren you'd be like...

-4.5% body fat

Try tren

You deserve it

You could use 50 mg ED on your bulk and put so much lbm on
All my frends, guys at the gym don't believe it....
I want to compete at men's Phisique some day...
Now must add some good quality mass

07-15-2016, 06:24 PM
You are 4.5%.

You could probably do a show in like 10 days just fine tuning electrolytes haha!

You have to be literally days away from being stage ready right NOW
74 Kg at your height at **4.5%** by dexa is impressive. Idgaf what anyone says. Don't care about this body dysmorphic having to be 100 Kg 3% at 5 ft 4 tall to look big, you are already big and looking good I'd imagine so a 12 wk cycle to bulk and then a little cut and you'd be easily ultra competitive.

I'd love to look like what you currently are!

Lowest I ever got to was 7%and I was looking in the mirror every time I walked past it with a big smile on my face flexing staring at myself like wtf lol but I was coming from being clinically obese at that time.

What is your diet like?

07-15-2016, 06:33 PM
It's most clean protein chichen breast,beef /tuna and carbs potates and yams and brocolli , lettuce, olive oil and omegas , almonds for good fats. It's hard week by week but it WORKS fine!. I start cutting at 11,5% 85KG

07-15-2016, 06:43 PM
It's most clean protein chichen breast,beef /tuna and carbs potates and yams and brocolli , lettuce, olive oil and omegas , almonds for good fats. It's hard week by week but it WORKS fine!. I start cutting at 11,5% 85KG

531My body form right now

07-15-2016, 07:13 PM
Mate I'd love to look like that!!

You look like a model. Pack some size onto yourself and you'd look awesome! You are like 4-6 months away from being really great.

I would use 200 test e 50 tren a/d 50 npp and maybe 50 anadrol. Bulk to like 10%

You are one of these guys that will shine with being Seriously lean as your special thing lol. If you are comfortable at 4.5 % then I don't see why you can't really push yourself and get to something insane like 3% come in really super shredded and dry and be "that super shredded guy at that show I went to"

07-15-2016, 07:31 PM
Mate I'd love to look like that!!

You look like a model. Pack some size onto yourself and you'd look awesome! You are like 4-6 months away from being really great.

I would use 200 test e 50 tren a/d 50 npp and maybe 50 anadrol. Bulk to like 10%

You are one of these guys that will shine with being Seriously lean as your special thing lol. If you are comfortable at 4.5 % then I don't see why you can't really push yourself and get to something insane like 3% come in really super shredded and dry and be "that super shredded guy at that show I went to"

This is my target now some quality mass , i up my calories and next month start my new cycle , do you thing Tren/npp stack in the same cycle (for someone who has no experience with this compounds) isn't too much ?

07-15-2016, 07:41 PM
It is an excellent stack for some real quality size.

It is short esters so if it's too much then you can just quit them at any time and be clear in like 3 days.

Try the tren on its own and if you are okay then add the npp

I expect you'll be okay.

07-16-2016, 09:59 AM
Someone else opinions???

07-16-2016, 11:28 AM
Honestly worst that will happen is you'll merely get some puffy nipples and water retention from the stuff

It'll clear in merely days if you cannot handle it :)

07-16-2016, 04:42 PM
I have ai's letro Adex, and dostinex on hand all ready before start the cycle. Safety first my frendq

07-16-2016, 05:12 PM
Well then you'll be fine

07-16-2016, 08:01 PM
I have to admit I am very jealous haha
You do look really great and when you get more mass on you you will be looking really supurb
4.5% body fat. Unbelievable!

Don't you get cold easily? Serious question.

07-17-2016, 05:47 AM
Haha i the sea in my first bath i am freezing cold:p

07-17-2016, 06:08 AM
I bet lol!

07-17-2016, 06:18 AM
Btw I don't bknow how you handle eq

Never again. I ran 600-900 last year.

Worst mistake of my life so far honestly. It was horrible. HORRIBLE. Looked amazing. Looked so great but the mental effects on me were so severe. Never ever again.

Nothing messes with me not even trenbolone apart from the lack of sleep I get sometimes and the breathlessness but Eq was just another level of mind screw. And it all happened at once too. Like I was totally fine then like in the space of about 3 days I got hungry as hell (literally insatiable) and anxious to the point of I didn't even know what.

It gave me the worst BDD ever too...or at least bought it out. I was like 7% then I went to 9-10% because I cheated diet and I honestly thought I'd gained like 40 lbs of fat in a day it was horrible like I I still was lean but I saw like this total blob it was so strange.

07-17-2016, 07:44 AM
Maybe your body can't tolerate EQ. Ι love it, use it on med to low cals and it keeps me full and my strenth is amazing! I feel hungry yes, but this is common if you cut the carbs. I have a cheat meal 1 /WEEK and thats it! I eat my prepared meals everywere, and i don't give a FCK for what someone else say. Becase i love this lifestyle ... So simple. I wish you the best , keep going , the best "enhance drug" is YOUR WILLPOWER to be better than yesterday for YOU

07-17-2016, 07:42 PM
Equipoise is a good lean mass builder. I would try the EquiMAX which is dosed at 500mg. Or try the Big N Full blend of Test 400 and Equpoise. 2-3ML a week will put a very good amount of lean mass with your diet and a AI. I would add TBOL or Anadrol for the first 4-6 weeks for a kickstart. My opinion as Test, EQ and Anadrol is my favourite - have never touched Deca or Tren before and probably never will.

07-17-2016, 07:51 PM
I have 20ml EQMAX is great i use it before, and i have Turinavar as a kick start for my next cycle

07-17-2016, 08:31 PM
Tren and eq is a good combo IF you can handle the psychological sides
....which are rough

Anxiety, ruminating, mood swings etc
I don't understand why you are hesitant to use trenbolone honestly the sides aren't even bad at less than 100 mg ed! You'd ought to be fine on 50 mg ed because you are on a tonne of food! Worst side is feeling hypo...which you won't because you have over 3000 kcal going into you of whole clean real food