View Full Version : tren after some info

02-08-2015, 09:54 PM
Right not used tren in a cycle always wanted to use it but never have , all the things you hear people say about the sides is it best to run tren ace first time round just incase i dont get on with it so its in and out of my system . if i stick to it is mon , wed , fri going to be enough ? if i dont get any sides then ill know i can use e of a mix blend i should be ok as ive never had any sides to any thing , will be useing this during bulk be greatfull for any info . cheers

02-08-2015, 11:16 PM
if i stick to it is mon , wed , fri going to be enough ?
Maybe ... maybe not... You might actually get more sides because of it being so infrequent... but sides/???? I would be doing ED but @ 50mg/day if worried.

will be useing this during bulk

You'll find it actually VERY HARD to gain weight on tren... I know some people say they do it.. and the gains you make are solid ones etc.. but when the scale doesn't move and you are eating like a horse... i never found it to be a suitable choice to bulk.

02-08-2015, 11:39 PM
thanks for the reply , if i have to pin ed i would if it means full benifits from it , gaining weight not a problem as i just want to shape up abit of what ive got only on my mind as acouple of the big lads down the gym do well on it . have sent you a pm cheers

02-09-2015, 02:33 PM
deffnintly agreed with MR BIG

tren is best pinned ed you will get least sides and most benefit

never tried bulking on tren so cant comment, 50mg ed with some bulking compounds seems like a great idea tho

02-09-2015, 06:07 PM
To bulk you can just use higher anabolics and less tren

02-10-2015, 05:00 PM
I agree

Tren makes it hard to make the scale move!!

If I were you, I'd use 350 test enth a week (250 mg E5D), 600 deca a week and 200 trenbolone hex aka Parabolan E3D

350 test will give you good gains as it is but not the best, I like to keep test lower as you get all the strength gains at 300-350 as you would at high dosages without all the bloof and need for AI. 600 deca gives you more LBM than 600 test, makes you look thick and awesome not mushy like 600 test would!! A high dose of deca will make you look better than a high dose of test. Finally add some tren hex or tren enth at a low dosage in just to keep your skin tight and add some shape/conditioning.

02-10-2015, 10:26 PM
thanks for the replys , think im gonna try and start with 50mg aday and see how it goes

02-13-2015, 03:45 PM
thanks for the replys , think im gonna try and start with 50mg aday and see how it goes

Even something as small as 25mg tren ED will have a noticeable effect. It took me a few runs with tren before my body got used to the sides.

02-18-2015, 06:32 PM
Attempted to bulk once with tren in the mix. Scale didn't move enough for me, bulking is more of a comfort time for me, high test/deca/oral and let my body enjoy it. I save the tren for cutting hard

02-19-2015, 06:39 AM
If you're really worried about sides mate, I would run some masteron with it, deals with a lot of the sides for me to the point I even forget I'm running tren some days.

02-19-2015, 01:59 PM
I think it's personal response man, you never know how you'd respond as an individual until you try it. I've bulked successfully on 100mg Tren ED, TRT dose of Test and some Mast in the mix. I gained about a pound to a pound and a half while staying relatively lean. Of course it's not as 'fast' as blasting Deca or high doses of Test but a lot of the weight you gain on those would probably be water which you'd end up losing within the first few weeks of your cut anyway. Tren just gives a really good quality look and I don't have to spend as much time dieting down; it really is super versatile.

03-03-2015, 03:40 PM
I'm running tren for the second time of my life. First cycle was 150mg of prop with 75mg of tren A EOD. I was using à different source and side were terrible. Couldn't eat, even drinking a protein shake was impossible and I couldn't get out of bed, too tired to do anything...
Now I'm using "hard'n lean" I pin 1ml E4D so +- 200mg of test C, 200mg tren E and 200mg mast E per week. It's been 4 weeks, I feel good, I feel stronger, maybe a little tired but nothing bad. I can eat even if i don't really feel hungry, I'm cutting so it's ok. Scales doesn't move, but I'm bigger and I lost some fat.
I think with tren you need to try and find what works for you. Lew test - high tren or High test - Low tren or like me low everything. I plan on buying some tren A and add it at something like 350mg per week in 4-6 weeks. I'll certainly make a thread here to review all that.

03-03-2015, 07:11 PM
Before taking MTS Tren A, i was shit scared, so many horror stories on the 'net.
Tren made me do this, Tren made me do that etc
But my personal response in regards to sides was a bit more sweaty and tbh, that was it.
If you were an asshole before Tren, you'll still be an asshole with Tren.
Im quite a mellow guy so maybe this helped, but didnt have anywhere near the amount of sides people 'report' with Tren.
TBH i think after reading the sides people exp. on the 'net, some people will have it in their mind that they too will get the same sides, and it become an almost placebo effect.

03-04-2015, 08:59 AM
Tren scared me at first but after half a year i now know that most things arent true

03-11-2015, 09:29 PM
Just ordered some of the Trembolona Acetato
Going to run 50 mg/d for 90 days, 300 calorie defecit with 350 test 800 deca first 60 days then let the deca clear out
Been dieting for two weeks now, already lost a noticeable amount of fat so far! Also got stronger and bigger...Cannot wait to see results after 90 days!

Never run trenbolone before, I cannot wait

I am excited